Latest rules for EVO 2015 suggest that competitors will need new fight sticks

Ultra Street Fighter IV

The official rules for EVO 2015 are out. A new rule change could mean that Ultra Street Fighter IV fighters will have to purchase new fighting sticks. The EVO section of the Shoryuken website lists the game version for Ultra Street Fighter 4 as “US PlayStation 4.” The rules for 2015 have made it clear that Ultra Street Fighter 4 will be played on PlayStation 4 along with the Xbox 360.

According to Shoryuken the game had been shifted from PS3 to the Xbox due to the “frequent issues” that users faced while playing the game on the PS3.

Competitors will have a hard time as they would have to practice on a platform other than the PS4. Capcom had anounced earlier that Ultra Street Fighter 4 will be released for the PS4 during spring this year. However, no specific date has been announced yet.


The main problem that arises with the game being unavailable on the PS4 is the lack of dedicated fightsticks. Skullgirls Encore has tried to cme to the rescue by creating a plug and play driver for using PS3 fightsticks on the PS4. The tournament has taken steps to help out competitors who do not posses their own PS4 fightstick.

EVO’s Joey “Mr. Wizard” Cuellar told Shoryuken that "loaner sticks will be available for folks who don’t own a controller."