Latest SpeedRunning event raises a promising 1.3 Million Dollars for Cancer Research

Latest SpeedRunning event raises a promising 1.3 Million Dollars for Cancer Research
The event successfully raised 1.3 million dollars for the cancer research foundation.

As confirmed by an official announcement on the website of the Prevent Cancer Foundation, the event for a cause Awesome Games Done Quick 2015 was able to raise a sum of 1.3 million dollars for the foundation. For those of you who dont really catch my drift, I’m bound to explain that the Awesome Games Done Quick 2015 is a charity marathon which features speedruns of various video games lasting for a period of week and always donates its proceeds to provide resources for enabling Non – Profit organizations.

The proceeds amount this year has exceeded the record of last year by a margin of 1million. The appropriate math would suggest an average donation of 42.21 dollars each from approximately 23,419 donors. The event started on January 5th and lasted till 11th covering about 164 speedruns featuring different games such as blindfolded, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time run and a one-handed Vanquish run. Thus we can say that success of the event truly reflects on the generosity people hold in their hearts.