Square-Enix teases new PS4 game for reveal

Another Square-Enix tease is up, this time it is known as the ‘Project Code Z’ which appears on a Japanese Square-Enix website.

The website shows that the game will be for PlayStation 4 exclusove as shown by the logo at the bottom left. A reveal is also set for tomorrow at theTokaigi Game Party 2015 in Japan.

The teasing is also posted on Twitter where ‘Project Code Z’ page teased an statement saying that they might give fans a hint for the game. “It was cold outside and so was my mind…”

Also, the fans at NeoGaf are are trying to figure out what ‘Project Code Z’ could mean and also many seem to believe that it stands for ‘Zodiac’ which hints to the game Final Fantasy XII HD on PS4. Lets see what the truth actually is, shall we?