Timed exclusive of Elite Dangerous coming soon to PS4

Timed Exclusive of Elite Dangerous coming soon to PS4
Elite Dangerous

Just yesterday, the announcement regarding the release of Elite Dangerous for Xbox One had got fans in a frenzy but now a good news comes their way as developer Frontier has announced that the game will be released on PlayStation 4 as well. All these revealations has got fans in deep consideration regarding how the game would appear and how big an impact these releases will be able to make on the competiton.

Founder of developer Frontier Dabid Braben revealed about the release of the game for PlayStation 4 while answering a question on Twitter that intended to confirm if the game would appear on other platforms to which he responded with the following:

“Sure. Mac of course, then down the line we will support more, including PS4. The XB1 is a timed exclusive.”

This critically acclaimed space-sim is popular with gamers all over the world and now PlaySation users can take a sigh of relief as the game will be making its way to the next-gen platform. Mac users also got the good news that Elite Dangerous will be docking in on their OS in due time as well. Although PlayStation users might have to wait a while to get their hands on the game as the Xbox One release of the game is scheduled for 2015 this might which means the PlayStation 4 version will arrive in 2016.