Valve is planning to make all of their franchises in VR

Valve is Planning Make All of Their Franchises in VR

Half-Life has been one of the epic games of our time, it is the legendary game that brings the simulated fun of standing over a dead Combine soldier who has been put to death by the attack of a crowbar. This is a regular scenario players of Halk-Life are familiar with. However, if this fun gets turned up a notch if you could enact the same scene from behind the glasses of Gordon Freeman with the aid of VR.

This is clearly something that would change the way to play this game and Valve shares the same feeling. Valve recently entered the VR ring during Vive , thus giving rise to limitless possibilities at their dispense for use. In an exclusove interview with Kotaku,Jeep Barnett programmer at Valve explained that the enterprise has taken up this new adventure on their hands which is the rising technology and apparently the future of their games.

“Would we like to make all of our franchises in VR? Absolutely,” stated Barnett. Valve has been using assets from Half-Life, Portal, Left 4 Dead, DOTA 2 and more with the Vive for experimentation and design purposes. Obviously this doesn’t mean that VR versions of these revered series will be hitting digital shelves anytime soon, but it does give some hope.

In fact, Half-Life 3 in VR is not being ruled out at the moment. Barnett responded to the likelihood of this long-awaited installment receiving the virtual reality treatment with: “We’re not saying ‘no’, but we don’t know what the right thing is [yet].” However the limited resources stand in their way of achieving their dream. Staffing and Insufficient time are going to be the sole causes that might kill the concept in the end rather than lacking direction or passion, according to the programmer.