10-Minute Mat Routine to Target Belly Fat

A 10-minute mat routine of core exercises is the perfect way to start working out your core (Image via Pexels @Pavel Danilyuk)
A ten-minute mat routine of core exercises is the perfect way to start working out the core. (Image via Pexels/Pavel Danilyuk)

Does it feel like you have been trying to find a 10-minute mat routine to target belly fat?

As you get older, you may notice that you've put on some unwanted weight around your middle. That might occur because, as you get older, you lose muscle and gain fat.

A large waistline is not only aesthetically unappealing but also a risk factor for developing serious diseases like type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. Whether it's for aesthetic reasons or you need to do something about your belly fat, the 10-minute mat routine can help you do just that.

10-Minute Mat Routine that Targets Belly Fat

Quad presses are a pretty simple core exercise for beginners (Image via Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio)
Quad presses are a pretty simple core exercise for beginners (Image via Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio)

Here's a proven ten-minute mat workout that can help trim your midsection in no time. Do it regularly, whether before, after, or in between your workouts.

In addition to doing this routine to work out the core muscles, increase your daily step goals and strength training.

1) Quad Press (15-20 reps)

The quad press is the first exercise of this 10-minute mat routine. It's like doing a squat and a push-up at the same time.

To do it, place your hands under your shoulders, and get into a tabletop position on the mat. Create a diamond shape with your hands by bending your forearms inward by 45 degrees. Keep your shins parallel to the ground as you bend at the knees. Maintain a neutral spine, and distribute your bodyweight evenly between the palms of your hands and the balls of your feet.

Get down by bringing your forearms in towards your sides and extending your knees. Keep a straight back at all times. Raise your body up off of your toes and palms, pausing at the top of each rep to flex your triceps.

2) Split Squat with Pulse (10 reps each leg)

While working out your core, you should also focus on your glute muscles. (Image via Pexels/Anna Shvets)
While working out your core, you should also focus on your glute muscles. (Image via Pexels/Anna Shvets)

The pulsed split squat comes next. To do it, put one foot in front of the other to form a staggered stance. As you bend at the waist and lower into a split squat, keep your chest up and your abs tight.

The next step is to rise up halfway and come back down. You can help yourself up again by driving through the heel of your lead foot to complete one rep.

3) Single Leg Glute Bridge (12 reps each leg)

The next exercise in our 10-minute mat routine is the single leg glute bridge. To perform a single-leg glute bridge, start by raising one leg in the air while bending the other knee to point toward the ceiling.

Holding your abs in, extend your hips up by driving through the heel of your working leg. The proper form entails a strong flexing of the glutes at the top of the motion, followed by a controlled descent to the floor.

4) Reverse Crunches (10-15 reps)

We finish our 10-minute mat routine with a set of reverse crunches. To do it, flatten your lower back as you lie on the mat. Lift your feet back towards your torso while flexing the abs to strengthen your core. The next step is to slowly lower your legs to the floor while maintaining a tight core.

This 10-minute mat routine has basic exercises that can be done even by beginners. It's important to start off somewhere, and this routine will help you do that. After, you can increase the time and intensity of your ab workout.

Edited by Bhargav