10 Minute Workout - 5 Super Quick Total-Body Exercises You Can Do At Home 

Exercises can be done even at home.
Exercises can be done even at home.

#3 Front Planks


The front plank is a versatile exercise which will help you in strengthening your core. This ultimate isometric exercise engages the muscles in your abdominals, lower back, hips and arms.


Step 1: Lie on the floor with your forearms flat on the floor, making sure that your elbows are aligned directly under your shoulders.

Step 2: Now engage your core by raising your body up off the floor, keeping your forearms on the floor and your body in a straight line from head to feet.

Step 3: Draw your belly button upwards. You can either keep your hands parallel to each other or grasp them in a prayer position.

Important Tips: Do 2 sets of 1 minute each with a 30-second break after each set. Make sure that you breathe normally and do not lower your back.

Next Up: Wide Grip Push Ups

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