10 ways to use eucalyptus oil - From Hair growth to bug repellent

Uses of eucalyptus oil (Image via Getty Images)
Uses of eucalyptus oil (Image via Getty Images)

The uses of eucalyptus oil have their own space of benefits. If you have ever enjoyed the soothing scent of eucalyptus leaves, you are already familiar with the refreshing aroma. This plant offers much more than just a pleasant fragrance. Eucalyptus oil, derived from the leaves of the eucalyptus tree, is a powerhouse of benefits for your well-being, home, and even your beauty regimen.

This essential oil has been used for centuries in traditional medicine and aromatherapy practices due to its therapeutic properties. The rich history of dates back to ancient times when Australian Aboriginals utilized its leaves to heal wounds and treat respiratory ailments. Its versatility extends beyond its aroma, making it an integral part of various industries.

Uses of eucalyptus oil

Here are the 10 best uses of this essential oil with the steps on how to incorporate it.

1. Aromatic awesomeness

Uses of eucalyptus oil (Image via Getty Images)
Uses of eucalyptus oil (Image via Getty Images)

The crisp and refreshing scent of eucalyptus oil is more than a delightful fragrance. Inhaling its aroma can clear your mind, alleviate stress, and elevate your mood. You can harness its aromatic power through diffusers, steam inhalation, or simply by adding a few drops to a hot bath.


  • Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to a diffuser.
  • Let the refreshing fragrance fill your space.
  • Enjoy reduced stress and anxiety, improved mental clarity, and a relaxing atmosphere.

2. Breathing easy

Uses of eucalyptus oil (Image via Getty Images)
Uses of eucalyptus oil (Image via Getty Images)

One of the most renowned uses of eucalyptus oil is for respiratory support. Its decongestant properties help ease nasal congestion and open up airways, providing relief from colds, coughs, and sinusitis.


  • Add a couple of drops of eucalyptus oil to a bowl of hot water.
  • Cover your head with a towel and lean over the bowl.
  • Inhale deeply to relieve congestion and cold symptoms.

3. Banishing bugs

Uses of eucalyptus oil (Image via Getty Images)
Uses of eucalyptus oil (Image via Getty Images)

Say goodbye to pesky insects with eucalyptus oil's natural bug-repelling abilities. Its strong scent keeps insects at bay, making it an excellent alternative to chemical-laden repellents.


  • 10-15 drops of eucalyptus oil with 2 tablespoons of carrier oil, such as coconut oil or olive oil. This step is essential as pure eucalyptus oil can be irritating to the skin.
  • Apply the diluted eucalyptus oil to exposed areas of your skin, such as your arms and legs. You can also dab some on clothing or outdoor gear like hats or socks.

4. Healing hands

Uses of eucalyptus oil (Image via Getty Images)
Uses of eucalyptus oil (Image via Getty Images)

Pamper your skin with the nourishing and healing effects of eucalyptus oil. It can help soothe skin irritations, heal wounds, and combat acne, leaving your skin radiant and rejuvenated.


  • Create a homemade bug spray by combining eucalyptus oil with water or carrier oil.
  • Apply to skin or clothing when outdoors to ward off insects.

5. Soothe the senses

Uses of eucalyptus oil (Image via Getty Images)
Uses of eucalyptus oil (Image via Getty Images)

Discover the wonders of aromatherapy as eucalyptus oil blends seamlessly with other essential oils to create soothing and therapeutic fragrances. It can calm your mind and promote relaxation.


  • Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to warm water.
  • Soak a clean cloth in the mixture.
  • Apply the compress to skin irritations or minor wounds for relief and faster healing.

6. Muscle magic

Uses of eucalyptus oil (Image via Getty Images)
Uses of eucalyptus oil (Image via Getty Images)

Unleash the muscle-soothing potential of eucalyptus oil, which can ease muscle aches and pains when applied topically or added to the massage oil.


  • Mix eucalyptus oil with a carrier oil like coconut or jojoba oil.
  • Create a soothing massage blend.
  • Apply to sore muscles to ease tension and promote relaxation.

7. Elevating hair care

Uses of eucalyptus oil (Image via Getty Images)
Uses of eucalyptus oil (Image via Getty Images)

Bid farewell to dandruff and scalp irritation with eucalyptus oil's scalp-nourishing and hair-strengthening properties, giving you luscious and healthy locks.


  • Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to your shampoo or conditioner.
  • Revitalize your scalp and hair, combat dandruff, and promote healthier locks.

8. Natural household disinfectant

Uses of eucalyptus oil (Image via Getty Images)
Uses of eucalyptus oil (Image via Getty Images)

Step into a chemical-free cleaning zone as eucalyptus oil proves its worth as an effective natural disinfectant for your home.


  • Mix eucalyptus oil with water in a spray bottle.
  • Spritz the mixture around your home for a natural air freshener.
  • Enjoy the refreshing aroma and benefit from its natural disinfectant properties.

9. Garden guardian

Uses of eucalyptus oil (Image via Getty Images)
Uses of eucalyptus oil (Image via Getty Images)

Keep your plants happy and healthy with eucalyptus oil's natural ability to repel pests and promote plant growth.


  • Dilute eucalyptus oil with water.
  • Spray it on your garden to keep insects away and promote plant growth.

10. Cooking with eucalyptus

Uses of eucalyptus oil (Image via Getty Images)
Uses of eucalyptus oil (Image via Getty Images)

Unleash your culinary creativity as eucalyptus oil adds a unique flavor and aroma to your dishes, enhancing your dining experience.


  • Use eucalyptus oil sparingly in cooking.
  • Add a drop to salad dressings, beverages, or desserts for a unique flavor twist.
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