4 Exercises for Toned Inner Thighs

Thighs. For most women that is our problem area. One is always conscious of wearing skirts, shorts or even tight jeans because of that problem part - thighs. Thus the best way to be less conscious of this problem part is by actively working them out. Now there isn't a concept of spot reduction or spot focus in terms of exercise.

Thus working your inner thighs means actively focussing on your lower body. This can also extend beyond the lower body and focus on strength and stamina. This is important to understand, that as one works out a certain body part more there are other factors - body parts at work as well.

Therefore here are 4 exercises for toned inner thighs.

#1 Sumo Squats (Hold and Pulse)


Sumo Squats are fairly similar to regular squats except here the difference in that your legs are open a lot wider, wider than your shoulders and your toes are pointed outwards.

Place your hand in front of you or at the back of your head. Now bend your knees and squat in like any other regular squat. A sumo squat works out specifically the inner thighs while also working out the rest of the lower body.

To make this workout more effective, go into a sumo squat and keep pulsing up and down. This means to come up but not entirely up and do 50 repetitions. And then at the fiftieth repetition don't come back up and hold that squat for one minute (1 minute).

#2 Hip Bridges (With a cushion in between)


Now hip bridges is a great exercise for your core and to tone one's obliques. Yet hip bridges are also a great inner thigh workout and this is by placing a cushion in between your legs while you are doing the hip bridges. Thus this not only works out your inner thighs but your obliques and core as well.

Therefore place a cushion in between your legs and lie down straight on your back. Then lift your hips up and get them back down without touching the floor. Also while doing this keep clenching the cushion with your thighs to work out your legs. Do close to 50 repetitions or one minute of this exercise.

#3 Leg Extensions


Now this is a relatively easier exercise because it is less intensive. Yet it is just as impactful as any other exercise. You lay down on your side and place both legs on top of the other.

While one stays firmly on the ground, you raise the other one anywhere between 75 degrees to 90 degrees and bring it back down. Yet as you bring it down be sure not to touch the leg being raised with the stationary leg. Do 20 repetitions on one leg and do the same for the other leg.

#4 One Leg Hop (Side to Side)


Now this is an unusual exercise to tone inner thighs yet still extremely effective. Place an object in between and hop side to side of that object on one leg for 1 minute and then do the same for the other leg. This is one of the best exercises for toning those loose inner thighs.

Do 3 sets for each leg and you will feel the burn immediately and feel those inner leg muscles being worked out.

Thus, here are a list of four exercises to kickstart the new year for toned inner thighs. It is important to understand that one cannot focus on spots. While exercising these exercises focus on the inner thighs they also work out the entire lower body as mentioned earlier.

Here is to starting the new year on a positive note to get a stronger lower body and toned inner thighs which are firm.