4 Yoga Asanas to help you get a flat stomach

In a world where flat stomach protein shakes sell and green tea is advertised in a manner to aid you getting a toned stomach, we have all forgotten how effective yoga can be to help in achieving that toned stomach. While other exercises such as abs, planks and push-ups help in getting a flat stomach, they are often fairly intensive and hard. This does not mean that you cannot get a toned, flat stomach.

For those who find these exercises too intense, one can always turn to yoga. Not only is it rigorous in its own way it also ensures that you do not strain yourself and at the same time also works on your flexibility. Yoga is often the answer to many things and it is also the answer to getting a flat stomach. Here are 4 yoga asanas to help you get that flat stomach.

#1 Bhujangasana or the Cobra Pose


Bhujangasana is when you are lying flat on your abdomen. You place your palms in front of your chest to the ground, lift your body up and then look up. This exercise stretches your entire abdomen area and works on toning it. It also strengthens your back. It mainly works on the lower abdomen area and while doing so, also tightens your glute muscles. Hold this asana for anything between 30 seconds to one minute and see the results!

#2 Dhanurasana or Bow Pose


This next asana is also extremely helpful in achieving that flat stomach. Again, for Dhanurasana, one lies on their abdomen. Then you use your hands to hold your ankles and lift your entire body up.

As you do this asana, it is important to look straight ahead. One should hold this asana for about a minute. This asana stretches your entire abdomen area and helps in losing that belly fat. It also strengthens one's ankles, thighs, groins, chest and abdominal organs and spinal cord.

#3 Ustrasana or the Camel Pose


This asana, particularly works out almost the entire body. You sit on the ground on your knees. You then bend back and hold your heels with your hands. As you do this, your upper body is upside down and facing the other side.

This asana helps in stretching the abdomen, ankles, thighs, groin and chest. As it does so, it tones your obliques and strengthens the abdomen area. It also expands the abdominal region, thus improving digestion and removing belly fat. Apart from the abdomen, it also works out one's thighs, hips and posture.

#4 Chakrasana or Wheel Pose


The chakrasana is fairly difficult but is great for getting that flat belly and strong core. You lie down flat on your back, bend your knees and then place your palms behind you. As you do, try and lift your hip and back off the ground and face upside down.

This exercise is great for your obliques and the abdomen as it stretches the entire area and also specifically works out the sides. This is also the exercise to do, to feel less stressed.

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