5 Effective Ab Roller Exercises To Strengthen Your Core

Athletes also use ab rollers to tone their core muscles.
Athletes also use ab rollers to tone their core muscles.

Exercise #3

V Roll-Outs


The V roll-outs put greater emphasis on the obliques and are similar to the knee roll-outs the only difference being the extension which needs to be done at an angle of 45 degrees.


Step 1: Begin by grasping the handles of the roller by kneeling.

Step 2: Keep your arms extended and roll out to the right to an angle of 45 degrees. Return to the starting position and then roll out to the left (45 degrees angle).

Repeat the cycle by alternating to the right and left. (Tip: Squeeze your core when you roll out)

Beginner: 5-7 reps

Intermediate: 9-12

Advanced: 14-19

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