5 Back and Shoulder Workouts For A Complete Upper Body Workout

Reg Park
Reg Park

Exercise #2

Wide Grip Barbell Upright Row



The wide grip upright barbell row is a viable compound exercise for the shoulders as it focuses on the deltoids for more extensive shoulders. Doing the upright row by holding the hand weight more wider than your shoulder width helps in engaging a greater amount of the deltoid muscles and evading injuries.

Step 1: Hold a hand weight utilizing an overhand grasp with palms confronting downwards. Keep your hands wider than shoulder-width separated.

Step 2: Keep your body straight and the heaviness of your body similarly dispersed on both your feet.

Step 3: Pull the bar up utilizing the sides of the shoulders and keep your elbows flared out all through the development. Hold for 1-2 seconds when the hand weight (dumbells) reaches your chest.

Step 3: Now bring down the hand weight back to the beginning position without bending your torso.

Important Tip: Do 2 sets of 10-12 reps each. Try not to release your elbows over shoulder level. Stop the movement once your elbows are in accordance with your shoulders.

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