5 Basic Ankle Exercises for Women

Ankle exercises and stretches can help improve ankle mobility. (Photo by Andrea Piacquadio via pexels)
Ankle exercises and stretches can help improve ankle mobility. (Photo by Andrea Piacquadio via pexels)

The ankle is one of the primary weight-bearing joints of your body, consisting of several tendons, ligaments and bones. Together, they carry your entire body weight and allow you to move. However, they also make your ankles vulnerable to pain and injuries, especially during athletic activities, such as running, jumping or exercising.

The good news is that you can help lower the risk of injury in this region by incorporating ankle exercises into your everyday routine. While consulting a physical therapist is the best thing you can do when experiencing ankle pain or other issues, practicing ankle exercises can help you regain normal mobility in your ankles.

Basic Ankle Exercises

Here, we'll discuss the five most basic ankle exercises you can do to strengthen your ankles and the surrounding muscles. You can perform these exercises at home without the use of any specialised workout equipment. Let's get started.

1) Ankle Circle

Ankle circles are one of the simplest ankle exercises that can help improve your ankle’s range of motion. You can do this exercise either in a sitting or lying position.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Sit straight on a chair, and start by rotating your ankle around slowly in a circular motion to your right.
  • Return to the centre, and circle your ankle to the left.
  • Make sure to keep the movements small, and use only your ankle and foot. Do not move your entire leg.
  • Complete at least eight circles in each direction using one foot at a time.

2) Calf Raise

The calf raise is also an amazing exercise that helps stretch your legs and ankles.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Stand on a step or any slightly elevated platform.
  • Keep the balls of your feet on the step, and allow your heels to hang off naturally.
  • Slowly push up with your toes so that your heels lift above the surface.
  • Lower your heels below the surface, and repeat the exercise several times.

3) Chair Pose

If you're into yoga, then you may try the chair pose to stretch your ankles. It's an effective yoga pose suitable for all fitness levels.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Stand straight, and as you inhale, lift both your arms over your head. Keep your palms facing inward.
  • On an exhale, bend your knees, and make sure your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • Once you're in this position, stretch for a few seconds, and release.
  • Try holding this posture for 20 seconds to a full minute.

4) Plantar Flexion

Plantar flexion is among some of the most effective and basic ankle exercises many healthcare providers recommend for strengthening the ankles. It refers to pointing the top of your foot away from your body.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Sit upright on the floor, and keep your legs extended in front of you.
  • Point your left foot away from your body, and hold the stretch for ten seconds.
  • Release the stretch, and bring your foot to normal.
  • Point your right foot, and repeat the same.

5) Ankle Dorsiflexion

Dorsiflexion refers to the movement of flexing your ankle towards your shin or your body. This is also one of the most productive ankle exercises that can help you regain the mobility of your ankles.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Sit straight on the floor, with your legs extended in the front.
  • Flex your left foot towards your body, and hold the position for a few seconds.
  • Release the stretch, and flex your right foot.
  • Complete eight to ten reps with each foot.

Bottom Line

Stretching and performing ankle exercises regularly helps enhance ankle joint mobility and flexibility and reduces the risk of future injuries as well. Moreover, these exercises can help improve your overall bone density and reduce the chances of degenerative bone disease.

You should look to include ankle exercises in your regular fitness routine. However, make sure to consult your physical therapist or doctor before starting any new stretches or exercises, especially if you’ve had a recent injury or surgery. In such a case, follow a dedicated exercise routine, and seek guidance from your doctor about the exercises that would be safe for you.

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