5 Best Ab Exercises For Men To Have Well Sculpted Abs

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Abdominal muscles also help to improve posture and strength.

#2 Kettlebell Swing


The kettlebell swing is an amazing exercise which targets your core. The swing motion helps your abs to contract immediately and provides the much-needed strength. Apart from the abdominal muscles it also helps in building biceps, calves and your deltoid muscles.


Step 1: Stand with your feet a little more than hip-width apart with the kettlebell resting on the floor.

Step 2: Bend your knees slightly and press your butt back to stabilise your body.

Step 3: Now grasp (palms facing downwards) the kettlebell handle with both hands and swing it as if trying to hit your butt with it.

Step 4: Thrust your hips forward, straighten knees and squeeze glutes to swing the kettlebell through legs up to chest height. Next swing the weight down to complete one rep.

Important Tips: Do 3 sets of 15-18 reps each. Keep your arms and wrists straight throughout. Keep your weight on the heels and prevent your spine from rounding.

Next Up: Weighted Sit Ups

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