5 Best Bicep Exercises for Women to Lose Arm Fat

Bicep exercises can help you build muscles and give your arms a sculpted and leaner appearance. (Image via Unsplash/ Alora Griffiths)
Bicep exercises can help you build muscles and give your arms a sculpted look. (Image via Unsplash/ Alora Griffiths)

Contrary to popular assumptions, bicep exercises are not only for guys, nor do they make women's arms appear more masculine. By lowering total body fat, strengthening your arm muscles, and adding lean muscle mass, bicep exercises can help you decrease arm fat.

Upper body activities may not always help you shed fat in your arms directly. When it's concentrated in one area of your body, losing stubborn body fat can be challenging. People often look for techniques to shed extra arm fat because the arms are frequently seen as problem areas. Arm exercises can help you build muscles and give your arms a sculpted and leaner appearance.

Best Bicep Exercises to Lose Arm Fat

People often pay close attention to the biceps, so if you have well-developed arms, they'll know you're on top of your training game. There are a number of techniques you may employ to tone your arms and lose arm fat.

Here are some of the best bicep exercises to include in your routine:

1) Biceps Curl

This is commonly regarded as the greatest bicep exercise for strength and hypertrophy. Your forearms will also get a great workout when you include bicep curls in your routine.



  • Holding the barbell, maintain a straight posture while standing with your arms at your sides.
  • Maintain a strong grip on your body with your elbows, and keep your palms facing forward.
  • If you begin with a grip that is somewhat wider than shoulder width and gradually narrow it with each progressive set, you will receive the best bicep exercise.
  • Curl the barbell in a controlled motion until it is just below vertical without pausing, before bringing it back to the starting position.
  • Keep your eyes glued to your biceps, and feel the tops contract and burn.

2) Wall Push-Ups

Push-ups against the wall are excellent bicep exercises for strengthening the arms. They work your triceps, lats, biceps, and shoulders.



  • Place yourself a few feet in front of the wall.
  • Raise your arms and spread your palms out so that they are a little wider than shoulder-width apart on the wall.
  • Make sure your fingers are facing upwards.
  • Bring your torso and chin close to the wall while keeping your legs still and bending your elbows--this is your starting point.
  • Breathe deeply, then push the wall with your exhalation until your elbows are very slightly bent, and your chest and chin are separated from the wall.
  • Take a breath and return to the beginning posture. Perform three 10-rep sets.

3) Plank Up-Downs

Plank up-downs aid in enhancing the form and power of your arms. This bicep exercise concentrates on the shoulders, core, triceps, and biceps.



  • With your knees flexing, your spine straight, and your neck in a neutral position, come into the Dog Pose.
  • One by one, extend your back legs, while keeping your arms out in front of you, and your head, spine, and hips straight.
  • Fist your right hand, bend your right elbow, and rest your right forearm on the ground while holding your upper body on your left palm.
  • To support this motion, slightly flex your left elbow.
  • The left forearm should be on the ground, the left elbow should be flexed, and the left palm should be fisted. Right now, you're doing an elbow plank.
  • Lay your right palm flat on the ground, then your left.
  • Three sets of ten repetitions should be performed.

4) Zottman Curl

Brachioradialis, brachialis, and biceps brachii are all worked out with this bicep exercise.



  • Your feet should be hip-width apart as you stand.
  • Dumbbells weighing five pounds should be held in your hands with palms facing out and elbows close to the body.
  • Pull both forearms up to your shoulders as you exhale and flex your elbows.
  • Your wrists should now face out after a 180-degree rotation.
  • Taking a breath, bring your hands to the beginning position while lowering your forearm.

5) Arm Circles

A well-known, low-impact bicep exercise that may be done with or without weights is the arm circle. To shape flabby arms, it targets the triceps, biceps, shoulders, and back muscles.



  • Put your feet shoulder-width apart as you stand. Shoulder-height sidearm extensions are used.
  • Next, move your arms in little forward circles.
  • Before switching to circles in the opposite direction, finish your desired number of repetitions.
  • After finishing, pause before repeating.

Wrapping Up

There are numerous bicep exercises you can employ to reduce arm fat, even though research suggests that spot reduction may not always be successful. Along with working out in the gym, altering your diet and leading a healthy lifestyle can also help you control how your body looks.

Even a couple of these adjustments to your regular routine can encourage weight loss and aid in arm fat loss.

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