5 Best Cardio Workouts To Reduce Fat 


Burning fat and getting into shape could turn out to become a daunting task as it requires tremendous discipline and commitment levels. Traditional workouts that revolve around reducing the fat focus on lifting and other compound exercises that tone the target muscle group.

However, you could reduce fat by incorporating a few high-intensity cardiovascular workouts that activate a host of muscles and aid you in reducing the fat at a rapid pace. Walking, running, swimming and rowing are the first exercises that come to mind while thinking about cardio workouts. However, there are other cardio workouts that you could perform in the comfort of your home with minimal equipment to burn all the excessive fat.

Nevertheless, ensure that you always supplement cardio exercises with strength training and toning exercises to avoid any muscle imbalances. Moreover, changing your lifestyle and eating habits goes a long way in reducing the fat. Focus on having foods that have a reduced calorie content but ensure that you get your daily dose of essential vitamins and minerals.

Let us dive in deeper and look closer at the five effective cardio workouts that you could add to your training program to reduce fat and get in shape.

#1 Jump Squat


This variation of the squat is an excellent plyometric exercise that is tremendously effective in reducing the fat. Additionally, the exercise targets the hamstrings, glutes and the abdominal muscles.

Also, read 5 Burning Cardio Workouts To Reduce Fat And Shape Your Body.


Step 1: Stand straight with your feet positioned shoulder-width apart. Place your arms on the side and parallel to the body.

Step 2: Lower your body into a squat position and bring your fully extended arms behind the torso.

Step 3: Explosively jump as high as you can while swinging your arms upwards. Ensure that the arms are fully extended throughout the duration of the exercise.

Step 4: Gently land on your feet such that you get into a squat position.

Repeat the exercise at a rapid pace for the recommended number of times.

Important tip: Rather than swinging your arms, you could perform the jump squat by placing your palms on the back of the head without interlocking the fingers.

Next up: Battle Rope Cardio Workout

#2 Battle Rope Cardio Workout



Step 1: The initial position of the exercise revolves around sitting in a deep squat position and gripping the ropes in front of the body right above the knees.

Step 2: Stand firm and move your arms up and down in an alternate fashion. Ensure that the elbows are bent while performing this exercise.

Step 3: Repeat the same motion for one minute before taking a break and returning to the initial position.

Perform the exercise for the recommended number of times.

Important tip: Move your arms in different motions instead of the up-down motion for variable resistance and improved customisability.

Next up: Box Step-Up

#3 Box Step-Up


Box step-up is an excellent aerobic exercise for burning the fat. Moreover, with its continuous motion, it engages the hamstrings and the glutes to a greater extent.


Step 1: Stand straight in front of an elevated platform with feet planted shoulder-width apart. Place your arms on the side and parallel to the body.

Step 2: Take a step onto the elevated platform with your left leg and follow it up using your right leg.

Step 3: Pause for a moment and return to the initial position. Perform the same motion on the other side to complete one rep.

Repeat the exercise for the recommended number of times.

Important tip: You could perform the box jump as an advanced variation of this exercise for a more targetted workout experience.

Next up: Burpee

#4 Burpee


Burpee is a combination of cardio and strength training movements, making it an ideal exercise to burn the excessive fat.


Step 1: Stand straight with feet positioned shoulder-width apart.

Step 2: Bend your knees and rest your hands on the floor while getting into a squat position.

Step 3: Quickly transition yourself into a plank position. Keep the torso straight and do not allow it to sag towards the floor.

Step 4: Return to the squat position. Take a deep breath and jump upwards in an explosive fashion.

Step 5: Land into the squat position to complete one rep.

Perform the burpee for the recommended number of times.

Important tip: Clap overhead while performing the jump for variable resistance and improved customisability.

Next up: Mountain Climbers

#5 Mountain Climbers


Mountain climbers not only reduce the fat but are also very effective in building a strong core.


Step 1: Lie down on the floor in a prone position and quickly transition yourself into a plank position. The arms should be placed directly below the shoulders in a fully extended position.

Step 2: Explosively bring the left knee in towards the chest while keeping a tight core.

Step 3: Hold the contraction for a moment and repeat the same motion using your right leg while simultaneously moving the left leg back to the initial position.

Perform the exercise for the recommended number of times.

Important tip: Perform this exercise while wearing a weighted vest for increased resistance.

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