5 Best Exercises to Help with Constipation

Exercise helps hasten the bowel movement if you are constipated. (Image via Pexels/Ketut Subiyanto))
Exercise helps hasten the bowel movement if you are constipated. (Image via Pexels/Ketut Subiyanto))

Constipation is a typical ailment. Although prescription drugs and over-the-counter remedies can be helpful, some people might be interested in complementary therapies like yoga and exercise.

You can have a good day's start with a good poop! Unfortunately, a lot of us don't get that pleasure because of constipation or other digestive problems. Constipation can occur for a variety of causes, including consuming a diet low in fibre, dehydration, and inactivity. Exercise helps hasten the bowel movement and can ease constipation.

How does exercising help with constipation?

It's harder to pass dry, firm stools. By reducing the time it takes for food to pass through the large intestine, exercise relieves constipation. Your body's ability to absorb water from faeces is constrained as a result.

Additionally, aerobic exercise raises your heart rate and breathing rate. This aids in triggering the intestines' normal muscle spasms and squeezing. Stools can be expelled more quickly with the aid of stronger intestinal muscles.

Experiencing irritated bowel? Try these exercises to help with constipation

When attempting the following positions, use caution and avoid exerting too much pressure. Before attempting the more difficult poses, some people might wish to speak with a yoga instructor.

1) Crescent lunge twist

This pose includes twisting the torso, which can facilitate bowel movement and help with constipation.


To do this twist:

  • Lunge forward with the left leg straight and the right leg bent.
  • Put your hands in a prayer position and gently bend your right knee towards your left shoulder, starting with your left shoulder.
  • Hold the posture for a few breaths, then stand up and repeat with the other leg.

2) Cobra pose

Although there is no twisting involved in the Cobra Pose, it might relieve ailments like gas and in turn help with constipation.


Here’s how to do it:

  • Contract the abdominal muscles and legs while you lay flat on your stomach with your toes pointing out.
  • Press your palms into the floor at the sides, near to your shoulders.
  • Lift your head slightly and gently bend your neck back.
  • Hold the position for several breaths.
  • Release and return the body to the ground.

3) Wind-relieving pose

For novices, the Wind-Relieving Pose is a simple position that can help with constipation-related flatulence.


Here’s how to do it:

  • Lay on your back with your knees drawn up towards your chest.
  • Place your hands on or around your shins.
  • Tuck your chin in. Gently press your back onto the floor.
  • Hold the position for a few breaths. Then, relax.

4) Half spinal twist

Seated on a yoga mat or other soft surface, anyone can try this position. The half spinal twist is a great exercise to help with constipation.


Here’s how to do it:

  • Twist the right leg and position the right foot down on the outside of the left leg, ideally around the knee.
  • Bend the left leg and position it under or near to the buttocks while sitting with the legs extended out in front of the body.
  • Slowly twist to face over the right shoulder while placing the left hand or forearm on or over the right knee.
  • After a few breaths, keep the position and then flip sides.

5) Plough pose

The plough pose is a lying pose that aids in relieving flatulence. It is one of the best exercises to help with constipation.


Here’s how to do it:

  • Lie down on the floor or mat.
  • Keep your hands by your side and your legs straight.
  • Raise your legs and reach your toes behind your head while inhaling.
  • After holding this position for five to six full breaths, softly remove your toes off the floor, lie back down, and unwind.
  • Repeat five times.


Staying active is crucial for managing your constipation and lowering your stress levels, even though it could take some trial and error to figure out which of these exercises are best for you. To prevent unnecessary strain on your body, always talk to your doctor before starting a new fitness plan.

After a substantial meal, wait an hour before engaging in any strenuous exercise. When you exercise shortly after eating, blood goes to your heart and muscles rather than your stomach. Less blood in the GI tract results in weaker contractions, which causes food to travel more slowly through your intestines since the power of your gut's muscular contractions depends on how much blood it has.

Bloating, gas, and constipation may be the result of this. Give your body some time to digest a large meal before embarking on a natural excursion.