5 Best Lower Ab Workouts To Strengthen Your Core - Lower Belly Fat Exercises 

Crunches help tone the abdomen muscles

#3 Cable Crunches


This beginner level exercise not only tones the lower abdomen region but is also great for improving the overall core strength.


Step 1: Kneel below a high pulley and grasp the cable attachment. Pull the attachment down until the hands are placed next to the face.

Step 2: Flex the waist and contract your abs until the elbows travel towards the thigh region. Care should be taken such that the hips are kept stationary throughout the duration of the exercise.

Step 3: Hold this a moment in this position and return to the initial position.

Perform the experiment for the recommended number of repetitions.

Important tips: Ensure that there is constant pressure on the abdomen throughout the duration of the exercise. Moreover, never overload the weights as it could lead to serious injury.

Next up: Jackknife

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