5 Highly Effective Asanas to Cure Back Pain

Akshar Yoga

# Medium Speed Cat Pose (Madhyam Gathi Marjariasana)

This asana brings awareness and flexibility to the spine. It alternately arches and curls the spine in sync with the breath to establish a rhythm.

Formation of the posture:

1. Begin by coming down on all fours to form a table with your body by placing your knees under your hips and hands just a little ahead of your shoulders

2. Keep your palms under your shoulders and your knees apart placed directly under your pelvis and in line with your palms

Cat Pose - Step 3

3. Inhale completely (Purak), as you curl your spine causing a dip in your mid-back and look upward

Cat Pose - Step 4

4. Exhale completely (Purak), as you arch your spine and look downward towards your navel region

5. Repeat inhaling and exhaling while curling and arching your spine alternatively at medium speed as shown in Steps 3 and 4.


· It stretches, strengthens, and adds flexibility to the spine

· Both your shoulders and wrists will be strengthened

· The digestive organs are massaged and activated, and therefore, the process is improved

· This asana helps to tone the abdomen while getting rid of unnecessary pockets of fat, slowly but surely

· Being on your fours also improves the circulation of both blood and oxygen in your body

· The stretching relaxes the mind and removes all the stress and strain

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