5 HIIT Workouts At Home For Maximum Weight Loss - HIIT Workouts Without Equipment

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Box Jumps and Step-ups are very effective in burning fat

High-intensity interval training workouts revolve around the concept of working out for shorter durations with increased intensity rather than the slow progression seen in the traditional strength training programs.

Research has shown that these workouts are more effective than the standard training programs when it comes to losing fat and getting in shape as the extended range of motion found in these exercises tone a host of muscles in the upper and the lower body during a single workout session, which is clearly absent in the traditional training program.

However, remember that HIIT workouts need a proper warm-up, and one should focus on spending at least fifteen minutes on warm-up exercises as it is quintessential for toning the muscles and improving blood circulation. People looking to lose weight must focus on having a healthy diet with reduced calorie intake.

Furthermore, to lose fat, one does not always need weights, and in this article, let us look closer at the five HIIT workouts that one could perform in the comfort of their home to lose weight at a faster pace.

#1 Box Jumps


Box Jumps are brilliant HIIT cardio workouts that very effective in burning the fat. Additionally, the movement associated with the box jumps tone the muscles in the lower body along with the entire abdomen region.


Step 1: Stand straight facing an elevated platform with your feet positioned shoulder-width apart. Slightly bend your knees while keeping a straight torso, and place your arms on the side, parallel to the body.

Step 2: Explosively jump onto the platform while swinging your arms forward. Ensure that you land on the platform in a squat position.

Step 3: Pause for a moment and jump back to the initial position. Take a deep breath and ready yourself for the next rep.

Perform the exercise for the recommended number of times.

Important tips: Increase the height of the platform for an increased challenge. On the other hand, people looking for a more relaxed workout could avoid the jumps and focus on step-ups.

Next up: Mountain Climbers

#2 Mountain Climbers


Mountain climbers are very effective in toning the entire abdomen region, allowing you to lose fat at an accelerated pace. The unique motion of this exercise activates the obliques in the abdomen with a greater intensity.


Step 1: Lie on the floor in a prone position and quickly transition yourself into a plank position. The arms must be straight and perpendicular to the body. Ensure that the whole body is resting on the palms and the toes throughout the duration of the exercise.

Step 2: Quickly bring the left knee towards the chest while maintaining a straight torso.

Step 3: Hold the contraction for a moment and return to the initial position. Perform the same motion using the other leg to complete one rep.

Repeat the exercise for the recommended number of times.

Important tip: Ensure that the elbows are close to the body throughout the duration of the exercise.

Next up: Forward Lunge

#3 Forward Lunge


The forward lunge is extremely effective in toning the hamstrings, quads and the calf muscles found in the lower body. Additionally, it targets a host of muscles in the upper body, including the core and the muscles found in the back.


Step 1: Stand straight with your feet positioned shoulder-width apart. Place your arms on the side and parallel to the body.

Step 2: Take a step forward using your right leg such that the left knee touches the floor. Also, ensure that the right thigh is parallel to the floor and makes a 90-degree angle with the torso.

Step 3: Hold for a moment and return to the initial position. Repeat the same motion on the other side to complete one rep.

Perform the exercise for the recommended number of times.

Important tip: Avoid taking a huge first stride as it could unbalance the body.

Next up: Jumping Jacks

#4 Jumping Jacks


Like the box jump, jumping jack is an excellent cardio exercise that is ideal for burning fat at an accelerated pace. The exercise works the muscles in the upper and the lower body, making it a perfect full-body HIIT workout.


Step 1: Stand straight with your feet positioned shoulder-width apart. Place your hands on the side and parallel to the body.

Step 2: Jump and move your arms overhead such that the palms touch each other. Ensure that the distance between the feet while landing is wider than the distance between the shoulders.

Step 3: Pause for a second and jump back to the initial position.

Repeat the exercise for the recommended number of times.

Important tip: People with a history of knee injuries must exercise caution while performing the jumping jacks.

Next up: Squats

#5 Squats


The squat is a wonderful exercise for toning the muscles in the lower body along with the core. The unique motion of the exercise ensures that the quads, hamstrings and the glutes are targeted with increased accuracy. Furthermore, squats are ideal for even beginners and casual trainers, thanks to its simple motion.


Step 1: Stand straight with your feet positioned slightly wider than the distance between the shoulders. Place your arms behind the head without interlocking the fingers or extend them outwards until they are parallel to the floor.

Step 2: Gradually lower your body by bending the knees and pushing your hips backwards. Continue the downward motion until the hips are below the knees. Ensure that you maintain a straight torso throughout the duration of the exercise.

Step 3: Pause for a second and return to the starting position.

Repeat the exercise for the recommended number of times.

Important tip: Perform the jump squat variation of the exercise for added resistance and improved customisability.

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