5 Effective Rear Delt Raise Variations For Powerful Rear Delts

Houston Texans v Buffalo Bills
Good shoulders require a great amount of work

#3 Seated Cable Rope Face Pull


The Seated Cable Rope Face Pull shares some similarities to the Band Face Pull the only difference being that it accommodates more horizontal abduction and external rotation of the shoulder and heavier loading.

Sets: 2-4

Reps: 12-20

Step 1: Attach a sturdy rope to a cable pulley and sit upright while making sure to bend your knees a bit.

Step 2: Grab the rope tightly with your palms facing each other and proceed to drive your arms back while pulling the middle of the rope attachment in the direction of your forehead while keeping your arms above shoulder level.

Step 3: Rotate your shoulders at the end and give your upper back muscles a good squeeze before returning to your original stance.

Next Up: Wide Grip Inverted Row

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