5 Killer Big Arm Workouts To Get Muscular Arms

Free weight exercises are great for toning the arms
Free weight exercises are great for toning the arms

#3 Barbell Curl


Often seen as the staple exercise for building bigger arms, the barbell curl activates a host of muscles in the upper arms. Moreover, the exercise is ideal for even beginners and casual trainers, thanks to its simple motion.


Step 1: Stand straight with a firm torso and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold the barbell with both the hands such that the arms are close to the body and are in a fully extended position. Position the palms away from the body.

Step 2: With stationary upper arms, curl the barbell upwards until it is in line with the shoulders.

Step 3: Pause for a second and return to the initial position.

Repeat the exercise for the recommended number of times.

Important tips: Do not sway your elbows and keep them close to the body throughout the duration of the exercise. Vary the grip position for added resistance and improved customisability.

Next up: Triceps Dips

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