5 Neck Exercises For Beginners to Lose Neck Fat Quickly 

Guide to neck exercises (Image via Pexels/Photo by Miriam Alonso)
Guide to neck exercises (Image via Pexels/Photo by Miriam Alonso)

Neck exercises should be a part of your workout routine to help tone your neck as you continue to lose fat.

Before going into the best neck exercises to lose fat, it’s important to note that you cannot spot-reduce fat. It’s absolutely impossible to lose fat from a particular region regardless of how intensely you work on it.

When you lose fat, you lose fat all over your body. However, you can work on various body parts to ensure that your muscles get toned as you continue to lose fat.

Exercises to Lose Neck Fat

Here are five neck exercises you can do to tone your muscles as you continue to lose fat via calorie deficit and workouts.


1) Neck Glides

To do neck glides, either sit or stand, but your back must be straight. Keep your legs shoulder-width apart.

Glide your neck to the right, left, front and back. Every time you glide, hold it for a few seconds. This exercise reduces tension and brings shape to the muscles.

2) Ball Exercise

This is an interesting neck exercise. To do it, add a ball between your chin and throat, and slowly push your chin downwards. Repeat the movement at least 20 to 30 times.


3) Neck Stretch

The neck stretch is another exercise you can do to reduce fat. Ideally, you should be doing neck stretches every day, especially before a workout. It’s absolutely important to stretch and activate the smaller muscles, which usually do not get much movement.

Usually, whatever we do, our neck stays in one position and doesn’t get much movement. It’s important to stretch it in all four directions for muscle health and endurance.

4) Neck Rotation

Neck rotation is another useful neck exercise. Try rotating your neck clockwise and anti-clockwise, and ensure you go slow.

If you do the rotation too fast, you might end up hurting your neck rather than releasing the tension and strengthening the muscles.


5) Towel Pulls

Towel pulls aren’t a traditional neck exercise, but many do it to ease neck pain and release tension.

However, if you’ve never done towel pulls, ensure that you don’t stretch it beyond your ability. Even your neck has its limitations, and putting unnecessary strain on it can lead to unwanted injuries.

Bottom Line

If you want to lose fat from your neck, you have to focus on your overall workout routine and diet. The only way to lose fat is to be in a calorie deficit.

If you’re not in a calorie deficit, regardless of how much you work out, you won’t lose weight. It’s essential that the calories burned surpasses the calories consumed. Not everyone will have the same calorie deficit or the same calories, so follow a diet that suits you.

Moreover, add cardio and resistance training to your workout routine. A combination of both can lead to weight loss and adding strength at the same time.

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