5 Simple Full Body Workouts for Fat Loss and Muscle Gain

Guide to full body worouts for weight loss and muscle gain (Image via Pexels/Photo by Andrea Piacquadio)
Guide to full body worouts for weight loss and muscle gain (Image via Pexels/Photo by Andrea Piacquadio)

Full body workouts are important if you don't want to have a workout split where each day you focus on one body part or muscle group.

There are some exercises you can do that work on more than muscle groups and also double up as cardio movements. That'll boost muscle endurance, strength, growth and trigger weight loss.

Full Body Workouts for Muscle Gain and Weight Loss

Here are five full body exercises that you can do regularly in the gym or at home. If you want to do them at home, you’ll need a pair of moderately heavy dumbbells.


1) Push-up

This is a classic chest exercise. It works on the chest and triceps, and if you elevate your legs and raise your hips, it'll work on your shoulders as well.

If you keep your arms shoulder-width slightly wider, you’ll work on the pectoral muscles too. Meanwhile, you’ll be able to work on the tricep muscles if you keep your palms at close-grip.

2) Burpee

Another excellent option for full body workout is burpee. Not only does it focus on pectoral muscles, triceps and lower body, but it also helps with burning additional calories, as this exercise requires additional efforts. The body needs to burn extra calories to generate extra energy.


3) Deadlift

If you’re looking for full body workouts that focus on the lower back muscles and lower body, you can focus on deadlifts. You can do deadlifts using dumbbells, but if you have access to a gym, you can do the exercise using barbells as well.

There are variations of this exercise, but as a foundation, you have to ensure that you lift with your legs, and your back isn’t rounded. It’s important to protect your spine over everything else.

4) Devil’s Press

Another great full body workout is devil’s press. This exercise works on almost all the muscle groups and is an excellent way to burn calories. All the movements in this exercise require you to use your body weight as well along with a pair of dumbbells.


You can start this exercise without any dumbbells if you’ve never done it before.

5) Squat

It’s well-known that squats are the kings of exercise. If you can do squats without hurting your knee or ankles, you must do that.

It’s essential to exercise, which will trigger muscle growth and more importantly, muscle endurance. Your strength plays a huge role in how advanced your fitness journey is.

Bottom Line

Full body workouts are great, but you cannot compare them to workout splits. You can do them whichever way you like, but at the end of the day, abs are built in the kitchen.

You need to have a diet that aligns with your physique goals. Otherwise, no type of workout, exercise or daily routine will be of any use.

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