5 Strength Exercises For Runners To Improve Endurance and Speed

Deadlifts are very effective for toning the muscles in the lower body
Deadlifts are very effective for toning the muscles in the lower body

Running is a wonderful aerobic activity and traditionally one recommends cardio workouts to improve the overall performance. However, performing only cardio workouts without any form of strength training could turn out to become counterproductive as they are not very effective for building speed and strength.

Anaerobic exercises coupled with a couple of isometric exercises are the order of the day when one looks to perform strength training to improve their speed and endurance. Moreover, these strength exercises also aid in reducing the risk of an injury.

Nevertheless, ensure that you perform warm-up in an adequate fashion before starting the training program to flex the muscles and improve blood circulation to the target muscle group. Furthermore, have a healthy diet that is a rich source of protein and is low in fat content.

Without further ado, let us look closer at the five strength exercises that runners could add to their training program to improve their speed and overall endurance.

#1 Plank


The plank is an isometric exercise that primarily tones the core and the muscles in the lower back region. Moreover, with its simple motion, the exercise could be performed by even beginners and casual trainers.


Step 1: Lie down on the floor in a prone position with your feet placed close to each other. Place your arms on the side, parallel to the body.

Step 2: Position the arms and raise your torso such that the entire body is resting on the forearms and the toes. The body must be straight and the elbows must be kept close to the body throughout the duration of the exercise.

Step 3: Hold the position for a minute and return to the initial position.

Repeat the exercise for the recommended number of times.

Important tip: Wear a weighted vest while performing this exercise for added resistance and improved customizability.

Next up: Deadlift

#2 Deadlift


The deadlift activates the muscles in the lower back, quads, glutes and the hamstrings. In addition, the exercise also tones the core and improves the grip strength.


Step 1: Stand straight in front of a barbell with your feet placed shoulder-width apart. Keeping a straight torso, bend forward using your hips and the knees; secure the barbell with a pronated grip or an alternating grip. The palms must be placed at a distance that is approximately equal to the distance between the shoulders.

Step 2: Gradually raise the barbell to hip-height while simultaneously straightening the body.

Step 3: Hold for a moment and return to the starting position.

Repeat the exercise for the recommended number of times.

Important tips: People with a history of back problems must exercise caution while performing this exercise. Beginners are advised to lift heavy weights with the help of a spotter.

Next up: Forward Dumbbell Lunge

#3 Forward Dumbbell Lunge


The dumbbell forward lunge is a single leg exercise that primarily targets the quads, hamstrings, glutes and the calf muscles present in the lower body. Also, the exercise strengths the core and improves the lower body speed and endurance.


Step 1: Stand straight with your feet placed shoulder-width apart. Hold dumbbells in both the hands and place them on the side, parallel to the body.

Step 2: With a stationary upper body, take a step using your left leg such that the right knee touches the floor. In this position, the left thigh must be perpendicular to the torso. Ensure that you do not sway your arms while performing this motion.

Step 3: Pause for a second and return to the initial position. Perform the same motion using the other leg for a balanced workout program.

Repeat the exercise for the recommended number of times.

Important tip: Beginners must avoid taking a giant first step as it could unbalance the body.

Next up: Single-Arm Dumbbell Overhead Squat

#4 Single-Arm Dumbbell Overhead Squat


Like the regular squat, this exercise activates a host of muscles in the lower body, including the glutes, hamstrings and the quads. Additionally, the exercise targets the abdominal muscles along with the biceps, triceps and the forearms.


Step 1: Stand straight with your feet placed at a distance greater than the width of the shoulders. Secure a dumbbell in the left hand and position it overhead with a fully extended arm. The palm must be facing away from the body throughout the duration of the exercise.

Step 2: With a straight torso, lower yourself by bending your knees until the thighs are parallel to the floor.

Step 3: Hold for a moment and return to the initial position.

Perform the exercise for the recommended number of times. Repeat the same motion with the other arm to train the other muscle group.

Important tips: Do not sway your arms while performing the exercise. Hold dumbbells in both the hands for added resistance and improved customisability.

Next up: Russian Twists

#5 Russian Twists


The Russian twist is a wonderful strength training exercise that targets the entire core region; particularly, the obliques are activated with unrivalled precision.


Step 1: Lie down on the floor in a supine position and place your feet together. Hold them in position and slightly raise your knees such that legs form an arc with the floor. Raise the upper body such that torso and the thighs form a ‘V-shape.’ Secure a weight plate and place it in front of the abdomen with fully extended arms.

Step 2: Twist the torso to the right until the arms are parallel to the floor.

Step 3: Pause for a second and return to the initial position. Perform the same motion to the left to complete one rep.

Repeat the exercise for the recommended number of repetitions.

Important tips: Keep the elbows close to the body throughout the duration of the exercise. People with a history of back problems must exercise caution while performing the Russian Twists.

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