5 Upper Body Workouts At Home - Workouts Without Weights

Crunches are very effective to tone the abdominal muscles
Crunches are very effective to tone the abdominal muscles

#2 Plank


The plank is an isometric exercise that is very effective in toning the muscles in the abdomen region. With its simple motion, the exercise is ideal for even beginners and casual trainers.


Step 1: Lie on the floor in a plank position with your feet placed close to each other. Place your arms on the side, parallel to the body.

Step 2: Raise the upper body and position the arms beneath the torso such that elbows are placed directly below the shoulders. The forearms must be parallel to the floor and perpendicular to the upper arms. Ensure that the entire body is resting on the forearms and the toes.

Step 3: Hold the position for one minute and return to the initial position.

Perform the exercise for the recommended number of times.

Important tip: Perform the star plank or the high plank variation for an increased challenge.

Next up: Push-Ups

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Edited by Nishant Jayaram