7 Healthy Low Carb Snacks To Keep You Filled

Kale chips make a very good low-carb snak
Kale chips are a very good low-carb snack

The recommended carbohydrate intake for a balanced diet is 325 grams per day. However, people on a low-carb diet must consume a lot fewer carbohydrates than the required amount. A strict low-carb diet demands only 25% of recommended carbs while a casual low-carb diet's carbohydrate limit is 50% of the recommended intake. The calorie gap must be filled with either fats or protein. Nevertheless, always remember to ensure that the body receives the recommended quantities of vitamins and minerals every day.

Several studies have established the effectiveness of the low-carb diet program in accelerating weight loss. However, this diet does not go well with everyone, and people who face difficulties must get off the diet program and visit a doctor immediately.

People on a low-carb diet find it extremely difficult to choose snacks that are low on carbohydrates and sugars, and in this article, let us dive in deeper and look closer at the seven snacks that you could add to your diet program for a low-carb meal.

#1 Kale Chips

Benefits: Kale is very low on carbohydrates and is ideal for any low-carb diet. Dietary fibre present in kale is very effective in improving digestion and managing blood pressure to maintain good overall cardiovascular health.

Nutrients: One cup of raw kale contains only 33 calories of energy while providing 2.5 grams of dietary fibre. Like spinach, kale is a very rich source of vitamins A, C and K along with a host of essential minerals such as Iron, Potassium and Magnesium.

#2 Nuts


Nutrients: 100 grams of mixed nuts contain around 600 calories of energy, over 50 grams of fat, and less than 25 grams of carbohydrates. Nuts are a very good source of Magnesium, Copper, Manganese and Selenium along with vitamin E.Benefits: Nuts contain tonnes of antioxidants, which are very effective in preventing cell damage by free radicals. Few studies have shown that nuts aid in lowering cholesterol while also accelerating weight loss due to the high protein content present in this food. Furthermore, nuts go a long way in maintaining cardiovascular health.

#3 Stuffed Avocados

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Benefits: Avocados are very effective in maintaining heart health and eyesight. It is also known that having avocados on a regular basis could reduce the risk of cancer. Additionally, avocados improve digestion as they are a rich source of dietary fibre.

Nutrients: Avocados contain small amounts of carbohydrates and are a rich source of fat, making them an ideal food for a low-carb meal. Have a stuffing that is low in carbohydrates such as chicken or mushroom to get an added boost.

#4 Egg Muffins

Benefits: Eggs are very effective in strengthening the bones, muscle building and recovery. Additionally, they are very effective in controlling blood pressure and maintaining overall cardiovascular health.

Nutrients: Each serving of egg muffins contain around 82 calories of energy, 6 grams of protein, 5 grams of fat and 1 gram of carbohydrates. They are a good source of vitamins A, B12 and D along with Zinc, Iron and Copper.

#5 Roasted Chickpeas


Benefits: Chickpeas are very effective in reducing the risk of any cardiovascular ailments. The protein content in chickpeas goes a long way towards strengthening the bones and muscle building. Furthermore, being a rich source of dietary fibre, roasted chickpeas also improve digestion.

Nutrients: Chickpeas are a rich source of Phosphorous, Iron, Copper, Manganese and Magnesium along with vitamins A, K, B6 and E. Chickpeas contain decent amounts of carbohydrates and people on a very low-carb diet should plan out their daily diet to keep the carbohydrate intake in check.

#6 Vegetable Sticks with Hummus

Benefits: Numerous studies have shown that peppering your diet with vegetables lowers the risk of cancer. Vegetables are also very effective in improving the immune system of the body while also improving the overall cardiovascular health.

Nutrients: Vegetables such as carrots, celery and cucumber are rich sources of vitamins A, B6, C and K. In addition, they contain loads of Copper, Phosphorous, Iron, Manganese and Magnesium. Hummus is also a rich source of protein along with Iron and Magnesium.

#7 Berry Fruit Salad


Benefits: Berries are unlike any other fruits as they contain a very little amount of sugars and carbohydrates. They are loaded with antioxidants, which are quintessential for preventing cell damage from free radicals. Additionally, berries are high in dietary fibre, which helps in digestion and lowering blood pressure.

Nutrients: One cup of berries contain 60 calories of energy and is a rich source of vitamins C and K. Additionally, they contain a host of minerals such as Manganese, Copper and Potassium.

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Edited by Sundaresh Kumar