7 Healthy Low Carb Snacks To Keep You Filled

Kale chips make a very good low-carb snak
Kale chips are a very good low-carb snack

#2 Nuts


Nutrients: 100 grams of mixed nuts contain around 600 calories of energy, over 50 grams of fat, and less than 25 grams of carbohydrates. Nuts are a very good source of Magnesium, Copper, Manganese and Selenium along with vitamin E.Benefits: Nuts contain tonnes of antioxidants, which are very effective in preventing cell damage by free radicals. Few studies have shown that nuts aid in lowering cholesterol while also accelerating weight loss due to the high protein content present in this food. Furthermore, nuts go a long way in maintaining cardiovascular health.

#3 Stuffed Avocados

Target Acquires Grocery Delivery Firm Shipt Inc For $550 Million
Target Acquires Grocery Delivery Firm Shipt Inc For $550 Million

Benefits: Avocados are very effective in maintaining heart health and eyesight. It is also known that having avocados on a regular basis could reduce the risk of cancer. Additionally, avocados improve digestion as they are a rich source of dietary fibre.

Nutrients: Avocados contain small amounts of carbohydrates and are a rich source of fat, making them an ideal food for a low-carb meal. Have a stuffing that is low in carbohydrates such as chicken or mushroom to get an added boost.

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