7 Keto Breakfasts To Burn Fat - Delicious And Gluten Free

Almond flour pancakes are ideal for a keto breakfast

#4 Blueberry Coconut Muffins


The blueberry coconut muffin is a subtle variation of the standard muffin, which has increased amounts of fat while also having reduced amounts of carbohydrates.

Make a thick batter with sugar, flour, salt, baking powder and coconut oil. Add coconut scrapings along with blueberries to the mix and then gently pour it into a muffin pan. Bake the muffins for around 20 minutes and transfer them to a cold pan.

Serve the muffins along with a strawberry smoothie.

#5 Broccoli and Cheese Omelette

All the ingredients used in this recipe are low in carbohydrates and are rich sources of fat, which is the cornerstone of any keto diet.

Whisk two eggs with butter until it forms a uniform emulsion. Add finely chopped broccoli or spinach to the mix and pour it on a hot pan. Flip the omelette to fry both the sides and then transfer it to a plate. Serve the omelette with generous amounts of cheese along with a cup of whole milk.

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