8 Gluten-Free Desserts That You Can Have 

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#3 Berries and Coconut Cream

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This is a simple recipe, and one could do it in a matter of minutes. Take one cup of coconut cream, one cup of your preferred berries and blend it for the required amount of time. Serve it on a plate along with a couple of strawberries.

One serving of this dish with low-carb coconut cream contains around 420 calories of energy.

#4 Gluten-Free Pumpkin Pie

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Add eggs, sugar, cinnamon, cloves, salt and ginger into a bowl and blend until it reaches an even composition. Then, add milk and pumpkin to the bowl and stir it until it becomes a smooth mixture. Transfer the mixture into a pie dish and bake it in a preheated oven for the required amount of time. Wait for it to cool down and serve it with whipped cream.

One serving of gluten-free pumpkin pie provides around 160 calories of energy.

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