Adopting new behaviors through habit reversal training

Habit Reversal training can induct good behaviour (Image via Vecteezy)
Habit Reversal training can induct good behaviour (Image via Vecteezy)

Habit reversal training is like training for your behavior, designed to help people flip the switch on habits they don't want anymore. It can be game-changing for young people dealing with stuff like Tourette's or OCD, or even adults trying to drop old habits. Habit reversal training (HRT) brings a fresh ray of hope.

From nail-biting to thumb-sucking, from nose-picking to hair-pulling, everyone has habits they would prefer didn't make the list. Many such habits develop during childhood. While some naturally fall by the wayside, others firmly grip people into adulthood, demanding more than willpower to break free. That's where habit reversal training steps in.

Tourette's syndrome and Habit Reversal Training

This training can be used for any age group (Image via Vecteezy)
This training can be used for any age group (Image via Vecteezy)

HRT is a valuable tool, particularly effective for children with Tourette's, OCD, and similar disorders that generate undesired habits. Children with OCD frequently display repetitive mental or physical acts in an attempt to decrease the risk of harmful consequences. Skin picking or hair pulling are well-known compulsive acts associated with OCD.

Tourette's syndrome, on the other hand, falls into the category of tic disorders. It involves repetitive, uncontrollable movements, and vocalizations. Those diagnosed with this disorder may also experience beneficial results from HRT.

The key to effective treatment is the child's willingness to engage in the process. It's critical they agree to receive treatment and actively participate in managing their symptoms with the help of HRT.

Impact of unwanted habits

It helps to deal with stress and anxiety (Image via Vecteezy)
It helps to deal with stress and anxiety (Image via Vecteezy)

Bad habits can seed shame, guilt, distress, and anxiety, making individuals feel powerless in their compulsive behaviors. The impact also extends to their physical appearance, causing noticeable changes, such as hair thinning due to hair pulling or scarring from skin picking.

Trading bad habits for good

HRT is usually done under trained supervision (Image via Vecteezy)
HRT is usually done under trained supervision (Image via Vecteezy)

Habit reversal training endeavors to empower children and adults to not just confront but control their disorder-specific habits. It's aimed at helping them recognize and identify when a tic is about to start, enhance awareness about situations where tics are more common, and enlighten them about tactics to prevent these tics.

Through HRT, individuals are taught alternative behaviors to replace their tics. For instance, a person with a habit of repetitive eye blinking might be directed to close their eyes for several seconds. HRT also opens paths to relaxation techniques that help manage stress-related situations.

It's important to clarify that HRT is usually performed under the supervision of a trained health professional such as a psychiatrist or psychologist, experienced in managing Tourette's, OCD, or similar conditions.

Sessions typically focus on one habit at a time that spans 8 to 16 weeks. Besides, a journal could be maintained to track and understand the timing and conditions under which these habits occur.

The ultimate goal of habit reversal training is to help identify habits and replace them with a non-harmful and less noticeable trait. As awareness grows and techniques are practiced, considerable progress can be achieved. And while results vary, with some recording a decline within days of training, it is vital to be patient and consistent.

How to overcome challenges?

Basic changes can improve your lifestyle (Image via Vecteezy)
Basic changes can improve your lifestyle (Image via Vecteezy)

Imagine a child who can't seem to stop picking their skin. An HRT specialist may guide the child to replace that habit with, let's say, drumming their fingers on their knees or using a fidget toy. If the child frequently pulls their hair, twirling hair might be suggested as a safer substitute. Identifying triggering situations and replacing the habit with these substitutes (known as "competing responses") forms the essence of habit reversal training.

Though breaking habits is a famously challenging task, tools like Habit Reversal Training pave the way toward improvement and change. With a bit of time, some work, and the right kind of help, anyone can lose old bad habits and live a stronger, brighter life. We gotta make sure a whole lot of people hear this too. It'll be super good for folks who are dealing with tough struggles and searching for some answers. Together, we can bring a little light to those who need it.

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