Looking for a new way to spice up your diet & gain health benefits? Look no further than raw honey.
The sweet, sticky treat that’s beloved worldwide has a number of potential health benefits. It plays a role in many home remedies and alternative medical treatments.
It has been around for over 8,000 years, but only recently has it gained global recognition for its health benefits. If you haven’t tried raw honey yet, it may be time to swap out the refined stuff for this healthful alternative. It’s certainly a tasty change of pace.
What is Raw Honey exactly?
Honey, which is extracted directly from the beehive, is known as 'Raw Honey'. Typically, beekeepers filter the honey to eliminate minute particles of detritus such as pollen, beeswax, and fragments of dead bees. However, this honey is not pasteurized.
Raw honey appears cloudy or opaque since it contains these additional components. It's still perfectly safe to eat.
Here Are 7 Unique Health Benefits of Raw Honey That You Might Not Have Known
It’s a natural sweetener with added health benefits, and can be used in numerous ways to help improve your overall health. However, it’s always important to consult a physician before using or consuming anything new to determine whether or not it’s right for you.
Let's take a look at some of its health benefits:
1. Protects against free radical damage

Raw honey is high in antioxidants, which helps to protect cells from damage.
Antioxidants give up one electron to keep your cells safe when hazardous agents known as free radicals try to damage them through a process known as oxidative stress. Aging, inflammatory problems, and cancer are all related to free radical damage.
Honey, fortunately, can help minimize these effects, and there's evidence to back it up. In one study, a dollop of buckwheat honey boosted antioxidant activity in healthy people. Hence, it can help provide some protection for the above problems.
2. Defeats Harmful Bacteria

Honey is known for its antibacterial properties and capacity to fight against pathogens such as salmonella and E. coli. It's been used as a therapy for a number of bacterial and fungal illnesses across traditional medicinal systems.
Bees deposit hydrogen peroxide, a natural antibacterial, into the honey they produce during pollen synthesis. When you consider honey's low water content and moderate acidity, dangerous bacteria have no chance!
3. Helps Improve the Digestive System

Raw honey is classified as a prebiotic food, which means it can help to feed healthy bacteria in your gut.
It can also be used as a folk remedy for indigestion and ulcers, as it has been for generations. Honey's antibacterial characteristics make it a formidable opponent for the bacteria that causes stomach ulcers.
4. Soothes Cough and Sore Throat

Honey's ability to ease a cough isn't simply a folktale; it's one of the many health benefits of honey consumption. Researchers have shown that a 2.5-ml dose of honey helps in suppressing cough in children with upper respiratory infections. It is even more effective than conventional cough treatments, such as Benadryl.
Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties make it an effective cough suppressant. It coats the throat and provides a soothing effect due to its thick consistency.
5. Regulates blood sugar levels

Honey, like other sugars, elevates blood sugar levels. However, the antioxidants it provides may help protect against metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.
It has also been proven to enhance levels of adiponectin. It is a hormone that decreases inflammation and improves blood sugar management, according to research.
6. Aids in the Prevention of Diseases

Honey's phytonutrients, which contribute to its antioxidant and antibacterial properties, can also help to improve your immune system.
Honey also helps your body prevent heart disease and cancer by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation. These can also contribute to cardiovascular disease and cancer.
7. Improves Oral Health

Honey can surprisingly help prevent gum and dental problems. In one study, manuka honey chews reduced plaque and gum bleeding more effectively than sugar-free chewing gum.
Sugary foods aren't normally thought to be good for dental health, so this may sound strange. Raw Honey's inherent antibacterial characteristic, however, is more likely to combat tooth decay than to induce cavities, according to the research.
Bottom Line
Raw honey offers a whole host of benefits, including the ones mentioned in our list. Everyone should be consuming more raw honey in their diet. With all its potential health benefits, it’s sure to make your life better. As long as you don’t eat too much of it at once, raw honey is usually a great addition to any diet.
But before you go running off to buy every jar in sight, keep in mind that not all honey is created equal.
Many commercial honeys have been heat-treated and pasteurized in order to extend their shelf life and make them flow more easily. This kills off most of the bees’ hard work.
If you can, seek out raw honey from a trusted source instead.