6 Best Superfoods to Help with the Energy Needs of Cycling

Best Superfoods you can eat to gain energy for cycling. (Image by Pavel Danilyuk / Pexels)
Best Superfoods you can eat to gain energy for cycling. (Image by Pavel Danilyuk / Pexels)

Cycling is a great form of exercise, but it can also be an intense and demanding pursuit, which is why superfoods are super important. Whether you’re a weekend warrior or a professional athlete, there’s no denying that your body needs some fuel to get the job done.

The way we fuel up has a big impact on how we perform during rides. It could be to make sure we have enough energy to get through a long ride or recover quickly after training. There are certain foods that are better at providing us with the fuel we need.

Food is literally the fuel on which your body thrives, but not all food is created equal. If you're a cyclist, it's almost certain that you know the importance of fueling your body with the right foods. They are termed as 'Superfoods.'

What is Superfood, anyway?

Superfoods contain a wide range of nutrients, including antioxidants and other phytonutrients. They also contain beneficial fats, fiber, and phytochemicals, all of which offer a variety of health benefits. When you're a cyclist, eating foods that are high in nutrients (as many so-called superfoods are) is an excellent idea.

We've scoured the internet to find the best superfoods to help with your cycling energy needs. Keep reading, and you'll find six of the absolute BEST superfoods — and maybe a few new delicious recipes, too!

Best Superfoods That You Can Eat


Yes, you head that right! Cacao is an unprocessed raw bean from the cocoa plant's pod. There's a difference between cacao and cocoa, as the latter is a cacao-based processed food that's usually sweetened.

Cacao is high in antioxidants and flavonoids, which helps to strengthen your immune system and metabolism. It has been demonstrated to aid blood pressure regulation and cognitive function.

Raw cacao powder can be added to smoothies and entire cacao beans can be nibbled as a snack. Cacao nibs can be tossed into a salad, used as a savory flavor on other meals, or even eaten as chocolate.


Bananas are one of nature's electrolyte-rich energy gels. You'll often see tennis players chewing on a banana in between games, or long-distance riders with little yellow boomerangs peeking out of their pockets. They’re also loaded with vitamin B6 and magnesium, making them the perfect post-workout food to help restore your body’s energy (or a great pre-workout snack).

They're high in potassium, one of the nutrients lost through sweat that can cause dehydration. Potassium has also been demonstrated to be beneficial to the heart. It also enhances serotonin levels, which improves mood and sleep quality as a bonus.


This is a multipurpose spice that has been demonstrated to help with cholesterol, blood sugar regulation, and anti-inflammatory properties. Cinnamon is high in antioxidants and is even being researched as a cancer preventative. It mixes nicely with ginger to deliver a powerful anti-inflammatory punch.

Ground cinnamon is good, but nothing beats freshly grated cinnamon sticks for flavor and scent.


The humble chia seed is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. It comprises of omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, a high fiber content, and all eight essential amino acids. It is, however, devoid of carbs, consisting solely of (good) fat, protein, and fiber.


Flaxseeds, often known as linseeds, are high in omega-3 fatty acids, particularly alpha-linolic acid (ALA). They're another natural anti-inflammatory that helps with many of the cellular recovery processes that you need after a workout.

Flaxseed is one of those superfoods that helps lower cholesterol and promotes digestion It also aids in the regulation of insulin sensitivity, which keeps blood sugar levels in check. Flaxseed oil is easy to spread over salads and other meals, but it loses its nutritional value rapidly.


A handful of kale (or spinach, or parsley) is an excellent superfood that can be incorporated into your daily diet. It is usually added to any smoothie and is completely undetectable. However, you do get one of the greatest anti-oxidant doses available.

These anti-oxidants help lessen the risk of cancer and other illnesses by removing carcinogens from the body. Kale is abundant in magnesium and aids in the control of lactic acid levels. These superfoods contain low calories but pack a nutritional punch—they're high in magnesium, iron, calcium and vitamin K. Add them as a base for soups or salads or just saute them as a side dish.


Overall, there are so many different superfoods out there that can help enhance your cycling performance.

Eating a high-quality, nutritious diet is key to fueling your body for a workout. These superfoods that you choose will determine how much energy you have for your workout, and how well you perform when you're out on the road.

So be sure to give at least some thought to what to eat prior to your next cycling session.Just remember to be careful with certain “bad” foods and choose your food wisely before every ride!