Fact Check: Can Concentric Contractions Help Build Muscles?

Can concentric contractions help you build muscle? (Image via unsplash/Anastase Maragos)
Can concentric contractions help you build muscle? (Image via unsplash/Anastase Maragos)

Concentric contractions are quite an underrated tool in the gym. A lot of people think if they want to build muscle, they need to lift heavy weights. However, that isn't always the case.

In fact, it's hardly about the amount of weight you lift and more so about your timing, control and speed. Concentric contractions are one way to do that type of training. Here's everything you need to know about concentric contractions, and why they might be what you need to build muscle.

What Are Concentric Contractions?

When you move a muscle in a direction opposite to the direction of its normal resting length, it'll contract. That's called a concentric contraction.

Concentric contractions are the opposite of eccentric contractions, which are where you have to lower a weight back down after lifting it up. Concentric contractions can cause harm if they occur too quickly or intensely and can be dangerous if they're done without proper expert guidance.

Does Concentric Contraction Builds Muscle?

Yes, in a way. Concentric contractions occur when you pull or flex your muscles to move them against resistance. When you lift weights, for example, the muscle contracts concentrically and then relaxes eccentrically as it returns to its resting length.

Concentric contractions are used during exercise to build muscle strength and size, as they require more energy than other types of activities. In addition to being very intensive in terms of calorie burning, concentric contractions also improve cardiovascular endurance by increasing blood flow in the body and strengthening capillaries that carry oxygenated blood from the heart.

Why You Should Train with Concentric Contractions?

The benefits of training with concentric contractions include:

  • Building muscle. Concentric contractions cause resistance to increase, which can lead to greater muscle growth.
  • Burning fat. When you train with only concentric movements, the fat burning effect is more pronounced, as it helps reduce stored body fat while building lean mass at the same time.
  • Improving fitness and strength levels in general, as the exercise engages more muscles than that used during an eccentric movement alone and also works them differently (more slowly). That improves the muscles' ability to work together as a well-oiled machine when called upon during athletic activity or other daily tasks that require strength or power, like lifting heavy objects out of a car trunk or carrying groceries up stairs without breaking into a sweat.

How Can You Add Concentric Contractions to Your Workout?

Concentric contractions can be added to any type of workout. You can add them to your cardio routine, strength training routine or muscle-building workout.

In general, the strongest muscles are used during concentric contractions. When you lift something heavy off the ground using your biceps (the muscles in your upper arm), for example, a concentric contraction occurs when you raise that weight. Concentric weight training is commonly used by bodybuilders and other athletes who want to improve their athletic performance or increase their strength and endurance over time.

However, when using this technique for muscle growth and strength gains, it’s important not only what types of exercises you choose. How many times per week you perform them and how quickly your body adapts to higher loads on each exercise is also key.

Are Concentric Contractions Beneficial?

Concentric contractions are a great way to add intensity to your workouts. You should do them regularly, as they can help you build muscle and burn fat, as well as improve your cardiovascular health.

If you're working with a personal trainer or class instructor, they can help you with concentric contraction exercises in terms of the exercise tempo and weight selection.


Concentric contractions can help you build muscle. However, they aren't a cheat code or easy way out. The best way to get the most out of concentric contractions is to train your body consistently and branch out from your regular workouts.


While it’s important to understand how concentric contractions can benefit your workout, it’s also important to know that they aren’t a magic pill.

Concentric contractions should be used alongside other training techniques, like eccentric and isometric contractions, so that you can build muscle more efficiently.

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