Exercises you can do in a swimming pool for  a fitter body

Doing land exercises in the water area great way of toning up
Doing land exercises in the water area great way of toning up

There is no sport like swimming. It works out your entire body and you burn upto 500 calories an hour. However there are many people who are not such great swimmer yet still go to the swimming pool to work out and get fit. Sometimes we feel like we are wasting our time at the swimming pool because we don't know how to swim that well and are not burning any calories. Yet you are mistaken. Despite not being a strong swimmer or a swimmer at all, you can still go to the swimming pool and do some exercises which will tone your body and help you get the body you want. Doing exercises in the pool are extremely easy and injury proof as well! Since the water is wear and tear resistant. Thus here are some exercises to do in a pool if you want to get that toned body.


Water Jogging is one of the most effective ways to lose weight and tone up. The water provides enough resistance to make it strenuous but is still wear and tear resistant. Water jogging works out your entire lower body; your thigh muscles, quadriceps, hamstring and calves. And along with the lower body it tones your core muscles: abdominal area and obliques.

One should do water jogging for anything between 10-20 minutes.

Watch the video here.


Now on land kangaroo jumps are fairly hard to do, but since in the water your weight is minimal, a kangaroo jump is fairly easy. A kangaroo jump is when you jump in a manner that your knees come close to your chest. A kangaroo jump tests your explosive power and your core strength. Thus it tones your abdominal area and your obliques. They are also a great way of working out your calves.

Watch the video here.


Water wall pullups are one of the best exercises to ensure that your pool session has been rigorous and intensive. Go to any side of the pool and place your hands on the wall. The entire objective is to pull yourself up on the strength of your arms. Now this may sound extremely difficult but the best place to start is the water as your weight is almost negligible. Thus you will still be working out your arms but it won't be as strenuous as a normal pullup.

A water wall pullup tones your abs and works out your arms; your triceps and biceps.

Watch the video here.


Do not worry you don't need to know how to do the breast stroke or need to know how to float as to aid this exercise one will require a flat board. A breast stroke kick is the most effective form of workout as to get power for the kick you need to use your core muscles. However, for the entire kick works out this inner thigh muscles. You spread your legs and as you do you kick them from your hips. Then bring them back to the original position and that's your breast stroke kick.

You can also do this exercise standing next to the wall of the pool as opposed to moving in the water.

Watch the video here.