Experiencing memory loss? Drop these negative habits now

Age is not the only cause of memory loss. Many other habits contribute to it. (Image via Freepik/ Freepik)
Age is not the only cause of memory loss. Many other habits contribute to it. (Image via Freepik)

Memory loss is scary. While it's often linked with old age, you can experience it at any life stage.

Memory and concentration difficulties have become increasingly common. Major accidents can cause it, but there are also some negative habits that might be bringing you closer to it.

We may not see the effects immediately, but memory loss through negative habits develops over time.

It may begin with forgetting little details and can go to forgetting experiences with your loved ones. Habits can be difficult to lose if they solidify into permanent patterns.

However, early recognition can not only protect you from memory difficulties but also aid your well-being.

Habits that can contribute to memory loss

It is always good to keep an eye open for habits that affect cognitive health. (Image via Freepik/Master1305)
It is always good to keep an eye open for habits that affect cognitive health. (Image via Freepik/Master1305)

As memory is a subtle and automatic process, it can be easy to take it for granted.

However, we recognize its value once we start experiencing difficulties. Everything that we engage in involves memory. In fact, to understand what's written here, you need memory.

How can we take care of it on an everyday basis? One way is to recognize negative habits that may be contributing to its deterioration.

While there are various causes of memory loss, here are a few habits contributing to it:

#1 Overconsumption

Memory loss can be influenced by many factors, including everyday habits. (Vecteezy via Freepik/Nuthawut Somsuk)
Memory loss can be influenced by many factors, including everyday habits. (Vecteezy via Freepik/Nuthawut Somsuk)

We live in an age of overconsumption, especially related to information.

Whether you want to buy something for an upcoming party, scroll through social media or just order some food, the options are endless.

Thaf puts incredible pressure on the brain to recognize, store and recall information. Reducing the amount of choice and decision-making frees up a lot of headspace for other things.

#2 Lack of sleep

There are various restorative and healing powers of sleep. When we don't get enough sleep, it has consequences not only for our emotional health but also for our cognitive health.

When you sleep well, the brain recharges and prepares for the next day. It's often advised that you should sleep well before giving your exam.

#3 Pushing your capacity

Memory loss can lead to chronic changes in your life. (Image via Freepik/8Photo)
Memory loss can lead to chronic changes in your life. (Image via Freepik/8Photo)

While it may not be obvious, sometimes we push ourselves beyond our working capacity.

Memory loss is a symptom of burnout syndrome. When we are emotionally exhausted, the brain has to run on an exhausted battery. Naturally, it can have negative effects, both in the short and long term.

#4 Isolating yourself

Being with others helps us regulate our thoughts and emotions.

In simple words, with others, we can share our thoughts and feel less burdened. However, social isolation and loneliness are linked to mood disorders and stress.

These are often characterized by a lack of motivation, focus and concentration difficulties.

Now that you know some of the common habits that are contributing to memory loss, which steps will you take?

Sometimes it can be as simple as sleeping early and getting restful sleep. Memory loss is preventable in many cases, yet we often skip changing our negative habits.

If you feel that your memory difficulties are persisting over time, you should seek the advice of a mental health professional.

Janvi Kapur is a counselor with a Master's degree in applied psychology with a specialization in clinical psychology.

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