Exploring different types of meditation: Which one is right for you?

Different types of meditation form to try. (image via unsplash / shashi chaturvedula)
Different types of meditation forms (Image via Unsplash/Shashi Chaturvedula)

From mindfulness to yoga and guided visualization, there are different types of meditation that have become popular, and for good reason.

It's known to reduce stress and anxiety, improve focus and even make you happier. However, with so many different types of meditation styles available, how do you know which one is right for you?

Different types of meditation

Here are the various types:

1) Walking meditation

Walking meditation can help reduce stress. (Image via Unsplash/Williamm)
Walking meditation can help reduce stress. (Image via Unsplash/Williamm)

Walking meditation is often practiced by focusing on the movement of each foot. The action of lifting, lowering and having each foot touching the ground can be noticed one step after the other.

Walking meditation is a great way to cultivate a sense of mind-body awareness. In walking meditation, you focus on the body's physical sensations as it moves. If you find it difficult to sit still, try walking meditation.

2) Mindfulness meditation

Exploring different types of meditation (Image via Unsplash/Rttkn)
Exploring different types of meditation (Image via Unsplash/Rttkn)

Mindfulness meditation is a practice that helps you become aware of your body, thoughts and emotions. It's about being present at the moment and not dwelling on the past or worrying about the future.

Focus on your breathing. This is often referred to as "mindful breathing" or "mindful awareness." It involves focusing all your attention on each breath as it flows in and out of the body. Try doing it for five minutes every day till it becomes a habit.

3) Loving-kindness meditation

It can be practiced in group or alone. (Image via Unsplash/Erik Brolin)
It can be practiced in group or alone. (Image via Unsplash/Erik Brolin)

Loving-kindness meditation is a form of Buddhist practice that starts with yourself and moves outward to others. It's often practiced in the context of a group, but you can also do it alone.

The first step is to focus on yourself and imagine feeling love and compassion for yourself. You might repeat phrases like "May I be happy" or "I love myself." You can start with people who are close to you, like family and friends, and moving on to those who're less familiar: strangers on the street, or people who have been kind to you (or not).

4) Guided visualization meditation

It helps relax the mind. (Image via Unsplash/Patrick Schneider)
It helps relax the mind. (Image via Unsplash/Patrick Schneider)

This is a great option for anyone who's new to meditation or wants something simple. You can do guided visualization with or without an app, CD, website or book. There are also tons of YouTube videos and podcasts available.

Guided visualizations are a good choice if you want to focus on your feelings rather than concentrating on breathing or other aspects of mindfulness meditation. The practice involves imagining yourself in different situations while following prompts from someone guiding you through the exercise (the guide).

This type of meditation helps people relax by creating positive images in their minds that help them feel more calm and peaceful as they go about their day-to-day lives.

5) Body scan meditation

Reduces stress (Image via Unsplash/Shahsi Chaturveda)
Reduces stress (Image via Unsplash/Shahsi Chaturveda)

Body scan meditation is one of the types of meditation that focuses on sensations in the body. During this practice, you become fully aware of your mind and body while staying in the present.

To do it, sit up straight with your eyes closed. Focus your attention on a specific body part, like the arm, and move on to other areas till you have covered them all. The duration varies, depending on how quickly you can attain a state of relaxation and remain focused on the task at hand.

When done correctly, this exercise can help reduce stress by focusing attention away from stressful thoughts. It also helps increase relaxation skills, which can be applied elsewhere.

Find a form of meditation that works for you

Try out different types of meditation forms. (Image via Unsplash/Jeremy Thomas)
Try out different types of meditation forms. (Image via Unsplash/Jeremy Thomas)

Many people find that they don't like a particular form of meditation and give up. Don't be discouraged, though. There are many different types of meditation, so it's important to try them all out before you decide which one is right for you.

If a particular type or style doesn't feel right for you, that doesn't mean all forms of meditation are bad. It just means that this particular form isn't right for your personality. Be patient with yourself as you explore different types of meditation, and remember that everyone learns skills differently and at their own pace.

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