Full Body Workout on a Gym Ball

Some easy and effective exercise you can do
Some easy and effective exercise you can do

#2 Swiss Ball Lunges


Lunges work the legs out in probably the best manner ever. From the quadriceps to glutes, the lunges work out almost everything. The problem with lunges can be that the posture is wrong and the depth of going into a lunge is too less. A gym ball corrects these problems and ensures a safe and proper manner of doing lunges.

Place your both your hands, with your palms touching the crown of your head. Then put your ankle against the gym ball and dive into a lunge. And after diving into a lunge, come up but not entirely up as this increases the work which is being done on your muscles and increases the intensity of the workout

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Do 20 repetitions for each leg, that is a total of 40 lunges. And do 2 sets of the entire exercise and your legs are good to go.