Get moving and relieve tension with somatic exercises

Somatic exercises for your mind and body (Image via Pexels / Oleksandr Canary)
Somatic exercises for your mind and body (Image via Pexels/Oleksandr Canary)

Stressed out? Looking for a simple and effective way to relieve stress and improve your well-being? Try somatic exercises. These are gentle yet powerful movements that can help you regain control over your body.

By practicing somatic exercises regularly, you will experience a range of benefits. These exercises can help reduce chronic pain, improve posture and increase flexibility and mobility. They also promote relaxation and stress relief, allowing you to feel more at ease in your body and mind.

What are somatic exercises?

Helps release tension from the body (Image via Pexels/Vlada Karpovic)
Helps release tension from the body (Image via Pexels/Vlada Karpovic)

Somatic exercises are a form of movement therapy that focus on the connection between mind and body. Developed by Thomas Hanna, a prominent somatic educator, this practice emphasizes awareness and mindfulness.

Rather than targeting specific muscles, these exercises aim to release tension and restore natural and efficient movement patterns. They help us become aware of habitual muscular patterns that contribute to discomfort, pain or restricted movement.

How do somatic exercises work?

Creates new neural pathways (Image via Pexels/Marta Wave)
Creates new neural pathways (Image via Pexels/Marta Wave)

The primary goal of these exercises is to re-educate the muscles, nervous system and brain to create new neural pathways that allow for greater flexibility, improved posture and reduced pain.

These exercises involve slow, intentional movements that help break free from any learned patterns of tension. By performing these exercises, we can regain control over our muscles and increase our body awareness.

Benefits of somatic exercises

Reduces body pain and increases flexibility (Image via Pexels/Mikhail Nilov)
Reduces body pain and increases flexibility (Image via Pexels/Mikhail Nilov)
  • Reduced pain: These exercises can be highly effective in reducing chronic pain, including back pain, neck tension and joint discomfort. By releasing tension and restoring proper muscle function, these exercises address the root causes of pain, rather than just treating the symptoms.
  • Improved mobility and flexibility: Many of us spend hours sitting at a desk or engaging in repetitive movements, causing muscular imbalance and decreased flexibility. It can help restore balance, improve overall mobility and increase flexibility, allowing us to move more freely in daily life.
  • Stress relief: Stress often manifests in the body as tension and tightness. That provides an opportunity to release this built-up stress and promote relaxation. By focusing on slow, mindful movements, we can calm our nervous system and experience a deeper sense of relaxation and well-being.
  • Enhanced body awareness: It encourages us to tune into our body and develop a greater sense of body awareness. This increased awareness can help us identify and address early signs of tension or discomfort, preventing them from escalating into chronic pain or injuries.
  • Improved posture: Poor posture is often a result of habitual muscular patterns and can lead to a variety of issues, including back pain and reduced lung capacity. These exercises help retrain muscles to adopt more aligned and balanced postures, supporting a healthier spine and overall posture.

Incorporating somatic exercises in your routine

Practice these exercises in a comfortable space. (Image via Pexels/Arina Krasnikova)
Practice these exercises in a comfortable space. (Image via Pexels/Arina Krasnikova)

Now that we understand the benefits of somatic exercises, let's explore how to incorporate them into your daily routine:

  • Start with body scans: To begin, find a quiet space, and lie down on a comfortable surface (preferably a yoga mat). Close your eyes, and take a few deep belly breaths to relax. Slowly scan your body from head to toe, noticing any areas of tension or discomfort. This body scan will help you become aware of areas that may need extra attention during your somatic exercises.
  • Practice targeted movements: Choose one or two somatic exercises that target areas of the body that feel tense or restricted. Begin with slow, gentle movements, focusing on releasing tension and increasing mobility in those areas. As you do the movements, breathe deeply and mindfully, allowing yourself to let go of any unnecessary tension.
  • Consistency is key: To experience the full benefits of these exercises, consistency is essential. Aim to incorporate these exercises in your daily routine, starting with just a few minutes each day and gradually increasing the duration as you become more comfortable. Remember, it's the regular practice that leads to lasting changes.
  • Listen to your body: As you engage in somatic exercises, pay attention to what your body is telling you. If a movement feels uncomfortable or painful, adjust or modify it to suit your needs. Always work within your range of comfort, and avoid pushing yourself too hard.

Somatic exercises offer a powerful tool for unlocking the body's potential for pain relief, improved mobility and enhanced well-being. By incorporating the aforementioned exercises in your routine and cultivating a mindful approach to movement, you can experience the transformative benefits they provide.

As a reminder, while these exercises can be beneficial, it's always a good idea to consult a healthcare professional or certified somatic practitioner before starting any new exercise programme, especially if you have any existing health conditions or injuries.

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