Having daily routine can make your life 10x better: Here’s how

Daily routine is important for physical and mental health (Image via Unsplash/ Guille Alvarez)
Daily routine is important for physical and mental health. (Image via Unsplash/Guille Alvarez)

Have you ever wondered what the benefits are of having a daily routine? A lot of people don't really know.

For some of us, waking up and not knowing what to do with the day can be dreadfully anxiety-inducing. Meanwhile, setting an intention you get up at a certain time every morning and performing the same set of tasks in the same order every morning can relieve a lot of daily stress and anxiety.

Some people naturally have a daily routine, while others can't seem to find one that works for them. In either case, there are several reasons for having a daily routine.

Why having a daily routine can make your life better

1) Improves mental and physical health

Physical and mental health (Image via Unsplash/Bruno Afonso)
Physical and mental health (Image via Unsplash/Bruno Afonso)

Routines are important, as they help you feel more in control of your life. When you have a routine, it's easier to plan out your day and know what to expect. This feeling of certainty can help improve both mental and physical health by reducing stress and anxiety.

A routine also helps people feel more confident about themselves. As they feel like they know what they're doing with their time each day, it often leads to feeling good about yourself.

2) Helps you get better sleep

Regulates sleep cycle (Image via Unsplash/Sinitta Leunen)
Regulates sleep cycle (Image via Unsplash/Sinitta Leunen)

If you're someone who struggles with insomnia and cannot fall asleep, or if you wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep, a daily routine can help immensely.

A regular routine helps the body know when it should be getting ready for bedtime. That makes falling asleep easier, as it gives the brain something to do as soon as it gets dark outside or when it's quiet enough in your house that there's no noise keeping you awake.

The body also gets used to having certain things happen at certain times each day (like eating dinner at 6pm. So once those things start happening again after being disrupted by travel or work schedules (or any other reason), it helps signal to the brain that it's an appropriate time for restful slumber.

3) Increases productivity

Boosts productivity (Image via Unsplash/Carl H)
Boosts productivity (Image via Unsplash/Carl H)

By having a routine, you will be able to focus on the task at hand and get more done in less time. Routines help you stay on task, so you don't spend too much time on one thing that isn't important or relevant to your goals.

For example, when you wake up at 5:30 am every morning and go for a run before work, it helps clear your head of any distractions or thoughts. When we have focused minds, we tend to produce better results, as the brain isn't focusing on other things that may not be as important (or even relevant).

4) Makes it easier to cope with stress and anxiety

Reduces stress and anxiety (Image via Unsplash/Joice K)
Reduces stress and anxiety (Image via Unsplash/Joice K)

Routines can help you deal with stress and anxiety, two of the most common mental health issues.

When you're feeling stressed out, it's easy to get lost in negative thoughts that spiral out of control. However, if your routine includes a healthy activity like exercise or meditation, which are both proven methods for reducing stress over time, that can help put things into perspective.

It's similar with anxiety: having a daily routine may help prevent some of those sudden attacks from taking over your life completely. If something happens, that triggers an attack (like receiving bad news), having something else planned will give you an opportunity to regain control before things get too overwhelming or overwhelming at all

5) Reduces risk of heart disease

Improves heart health (Image via Unsplash/Ali H)
Improves heart health (Image via Unsplash/Ali H)

Routines can reduce stress and help you sleep better. Stress is a major risk factor for heart disease and depression, so reducing stress through a daily routine can have a positive impact on mental health.

It's also worth noting that having a regular sleep schedule may help you avoid depression. Studies show that people who wake up at the same time each morning are less likely to suffer from risk of getting heart disease than those who don't follow such rules.

As you can see, the benefits of a daily routine are numerous. Not only can it help you mentally but also physically.

A regular routine can give you more energy and make life easier on the body. Having a set schedule will also make it easier for others to know what to expect from you on any given day.

Whether or not it's something that interests you personally depends on how much effort each person is willing to put into making their life better.

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