How Long Do Anxiety Attacks Last?

How long does your anxiety attack last? (Image via Unsplash/ Joice Kelly)
How long does your anxiety attack last? (Image via Unsplash/ Joice Kelly)

Those who experience anxiety attacks are aware of the fact that even if it lasts for a short duration, an episode can seem like an eternity. These attacks can be compared to being like water in an overflowing tub - the level may increase gradually, but eventually, it overflows. Such attacks generally have a specific trigger, but can also appear randomly, causing the individual immense stress.

Just like with any other illness, there are many warning indicators to watch out for that may indicate that an anxiety attack is about to occur. A person may start to feel restless, angry, tense, and exhausted before an anxiety attack. However, there are times when an anxiety attack might strike unexpectedly and without warning.

Anxiety attack can generally be delineated to specific triggers. (Image via freepik/ Freepik)
Anxiety attack can generally be delineated to specific triggers. (Image via freepik/ Freepik)

What is the Duration of Anxiety Attacks?

Although the terms are frequently used interchangeably, there is a difference between panic attacks and anxiety attacks. Mental health professionals are aware that minor anxiety-ridden sensations are a common occurrence in daily life. At its core, anxiety is the stressful anticipation of a future occurrence. As anxiety increases, anxiety attacks frequently start to present themselves over time.

Whether its work related stress or personal stress, they can all contribute to anxiety. (Image via Freepik/ Freepik)
Whether its work related stress or personal stress, they can all contribute to anxiety. (Image via Freepik/ Freepik)

Meanwhile, panic attacks can strike quickly and without warning. They are like air bubbles that can burst randomly, without any indication. It typically involves a strong, rapid response to the current situation, setting off the brain's "fight-or-flight" response. These episodes are distinguished by abrupt, extreme panic, a feeling of threat, and trouble breathing.

Your specific circumstances, physical and mental health, and mental health history all have a significant role in how anxious you are. An anxiety attack can last for any amount of time, although research indicates that the majority last around 20 minutes.

Although 20 minutes may not seem like much, it might feel like hours to someone experiencing an anxiety attack. Keeping track of a variety of circumstances around anxiety attacks, such as those that may have caused the attack and its precise length, can be very beneficial. This can be immensely useful information that can assist mental health specialists in choosing the best course of action for your unique case.

While the duration may seem short, it can seem very long for the sufferer. (Image via Freepik/ Freepik)
While the duration may seem short, it can seem very long for the sufferer. (Image via Freepik/ Freepik)

An anxiety episode normally lasts a little longer than 30 minutes, with the symptoms peaking at around the halfway point. It is crucial to take note of elements that lead to anxiety in order to properly avoid or cure it. This is because the feeling of acute anxiety can develop for hours or even days before the actual attack.

The actual attack, on the other hand, usually lasts for only a limited time. Nevertheless, the fear preceding the actual incident might persist for hours or even days. The bright side of this buildup is that you may take precautions to avoid anxiety attacks if you identify the causes and warning symptoms of one.

Treatment of Anxiety Attacks

Healing is possible, if you choose to opt for it. (Image via Freepik/ Freepik)
Healing is possible, if you choose to opt for it. (Image via Freepik/ Freepik)

The complicated problem of panic and anxiety attacks cannot be solved in a "one-size-fits-all" manner. Treatment for anxiety attacks may include customized therapy, medication, dietary changes, and lifestyle adjustments.

While self-help coping mechanisms can be very helpful, it's crucial to get professional assistance if your worries and anxiety attacks have reached the point where they're severely distressing you or interfering with your everyday activities.

A medical examination is the first step you should opt for if you have numerous physical complaints owing to frequent anxiety attacks. A thyroid issue, hypoglycemia, or asthma are a few examples of medical conditions that your doctor can examine to rule out as the source of your anxiety.

Your doctor will also want to know about any prescription, over-the-counter, herbal, or recreational medications you're using as some of them might lead to anxiety.

The next step is to speak with a therapist who has experience treating anxiety disorders after your doctor eliminates out a medical cause. Together, you and the therapist will identify the origin and nature of your condition and come up with a treatment plan.


Dealing with anxiety attacks is not an easy process and can take time. However, with the right professional assistance, you can become an expert in identifying your triggers and managing the symptoms. While self-regulation strategies will help you in the short-term, you may require long-term psychotherapy to reduce the frequency and intensity of these attacks.

Have questions prepared before you see your healthcare or mental health professional, as well as a description of your recent experiences. To better understand your triggers and how they affect you, your doctor will also ask you questions.

Janvi Kapur is a counselor with a Master's degree in applied psychology with a specialization in clinical psychology.

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