Is A Plant-Based Diet Good For Gut Health?

A plant-based diet could be your one-way ticket to better gut health! (Image via unsplash/Ella Olsson)
A plant-based diet could be your one-way ticket to better gut health! (Image via unsplash/Ella Olsson)

A plant-based diet is one that emphasises fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts. It's also known as a vegan or vegetarian diet. Those who follow a plant-based diet don't eat meat or dairy products, although it may include eggs.

Instead of animal products, they get protein from beans and legumes like chickpeas and lentils. Unlike meat-eaters, people on a plant-based diet often consume more fibre, as they eat whole grains instead of refined ones, like white bread and pasta (not to mention all the fibre in their vegetables).

What is a Plant-based Diet?

A plant-based diet is one that's based on plants. Unlike other diets, it emphasises the consumption of foods derived from plant sources rather than animals.

Plant-based diets are rich in fibre, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that can contribute to your health. They're also low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium. A healthy vegan or vegetarian diet might lead you to consume more dietary fibre than one who has meat regularly, as whole grains are an important part of such a food plan.

While it's true that some plant foods contain fat (such as nuts), they contain unsaturated fats rather than animal fats like butterfat or lard, which contain high levels of saturated fat. So, there's less risk of heart disease when you have more plant foods instead of animal products, like meat dishes or dairy products with high saturated fat.

Why is a Plant-Based Diet Healthy?

You may have heard that a plant-based diet is good for gut health, but what exactly does that mean? The following are some of the benefits of consuming a vegan diet:

  • Low in saturated fats: A plant-based diet contains less saturated fat than an omnivorous or carnivorous one. Foods like meat and dairy products contain high levels of saturated fats, which may increase your risk for cardiovascular disease and diabetes if consumed in excess. A plant-based diet can also help you avoid trans fats—which are found in processed foods—and help lower your cholesterol level.
  • High in fibre: Fibre helps reduce constipation and improves bowel movements by bulking up stool volume while increasing its water content so that it easily passes through the colon (large intestine). It also slows down digestion so you feel full longer after having meals with high levels of fibre than if those calories were from simple sugars without any nutritional value.

What is Gut Health, and Why is it Important?

Your gut is the gateway to your body and is responsible for immune function, vitamin absorption and many other important functions. The exact definition of gut health is still debated, but it generally refers to the health and balance of your digestive tract.

Gut health has become a hot topic in recent years due to its importance in overall well-being. Improved gut health can help you feel more energetic, lose weight more easily and even improve your mental well-being.

Plant-Based Foods and Gut Health

A plant-based diet is rich in fibre. Fibre is a type of carbohydrate the body can't digest, so it passes through your digestive system undigested.

As it moves through your intestines, some of the water-soluble components from it attaches to certain bacteria and help promote their growth, which can have beneficial effects on gut health. Studies have found that people who consume more dietary fibre tend to have healthier bowel movements than ones who consume less.

Studies suggest that having high-fiber foods like beans or lentils can reduce inflammation in the colon and prevent colon cancer.

Benefits of Plant-based Diet for Gut Health

A vegan diet is not only good for your gut but overall health as well. As you change your eating habits, you might feel more energised and focused. However, the true benefits are found in the decrease in inflammation and oxidative stress in the body.

Inflammation is associated with most ailments like cancer and heart disease. Oxidative stress can lead to premature ageing, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and even depression.

The list goes on about how a plant-based diet can benefit your mental health as well.

You'll have less anxiety because of all the great nutrients that help balance hormones naturally through an increase in serotonin production (the happy hormone). You'll also have better resilience against stresses like fatigue or irritability due to lack of sleep caused by medication side effects like insomnia or depression caused by antidepressants.


If you want to improve your gut health, a vegan diet is a great place to start. While there’s no definitive answer on how many people can be considered vegans or vegetarians, research studies has shown the benefits of eating less meat and more plant-based foods in general.

If you need more reasons to go vegan, take heed: A vegan lifestyle can help prevent conditions such as heart disease, cancer and Type 2 Diabetes. It can also reduce inflammation, which helps fight off infections like colds or flu.

For those who want to improve their gut health through dieting or lifestyle changes, we recommend starting with a vegan diet. That's because it's been shown time and time again how beneficial it can be to your overall well-being.

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