What Is the Locust Pose (Salabhasana) in Yoga? Tips, Technique, Correct Form, Benefits and Common Mistakes

Locust pose can help with better posture and coordination of the body. (Image via Pexels/Elina Fairytale)
Locust pose can help with better posture and coordination of the body. (Image via Pexels/Elina Fairytale)

Locust pose, also widely known as the Salabhasana, is a simple backbend pose that has various health benefits.

It has gained popularity among people working long hours in the office and having little to no time for exercise or workout. This pose engages your complete back, from neck to heels.

You should try the locust pose if you spend a decent amount of time sitting due to work.

Doing this pose regularly can lead to various advantages such as strengthening the back, reducing pain in the lower back, helping with postural problems, and so on. It's a simple pose without many complications and can be done with some patience. Let’s learn more about this pose.

How to do Locust Pose or Salabhasana in Yoga?

There are many variations of the Salabhasana, such as bolster pose variation, one leg variation, and so on. However, here we will only discuss the standard locus pose. Here's how you can do this pose effectively:

  • Initial position – lie flat on your stomach while keeping your head on the floor and arms beside your body.
  • Gently lift your legs, arms, chest and head off the ground. Work on your shoulder blades while widening your chest and engaging the leg muscles.
  • Stay a few moments in this position.
  • Gently lower your body, and bring it back to the initial position.
  • Repeat.

Tips and Techniques for Locust Pose

This yoga pose, if done accurately, can stretch your entire back. Keep in mind the following tips and techniques to reap all the advantages of this pose:

  • Beginners can start by breaking down the pose and doing it together. For instance, lift your upper torso in the first stage, and after a couple of tries, lift your legs. That will enable you to understand the proper stance of this pose as well as warm your back body.
  • Focus on controlling your breathing while doing this pose, as that's a crucial aspect of any yoga pose.
  • Hold your pose in the air for a few breaths to effectively complete it.

Health Benefits of Locust Pose

The Salabhasana provides innumerable health benefits, such as:

  • Stretches and strengthens the body – This pose engages the muscles at the core, hips, spine, legs and upper torso. It stretches the ankles, quadriceps, shin muscles and hamstrings. That helps in strengthening the lower back and knees along with reducing back pain. This pose further helps in reducing the fat from the stomach and stretching your core.
  • Increased flexibility – The strengthening of the back by this pose can enable you have better agility. The complete stretch of the body leads to better flexibility and coordination of the body. It also helps you in carrying out everyday activities with ease.
  • Better focus – The controlled breathing and alignment of this pose can help in striking better consciousness and balance of the body. You'll need core strength to effectively do this pose.
  • Improved posture – This backbend pose can help you in preparing for the more advanced and complicated yoga poses. Additionally, doing this pose regularly can lead to better alignment of the body and bring more stability. You can gain more strength and balance as you improve doing this pose. That will provide for better posture along with removing fat from other areas of your body.
  • Others – The Locust pose is also beneficial for lowering back pain, improving postural problems, arthritis of the knees, hamstring injuries, and others.

Common Mistakes While Doing Locust Pose

Here are some common mistakes you should avoid while doing the Salabhasana to prevent any injuries and also make the pose effective:

  • Pregnant women should avoid this pose.
  • While doing this exercise, do not raise your body too quickly or too high above the ground. That can cramp your lower back, feet and hamstrings. Slowly and gently do the Salabhasana to avoid any cramps.
  • If you experience any back pain, start this pose by breaking it down. Start with your legs, then move to the upper torso before gradually doing the entire Salabhasana.
  • You should not lift your shoulders in the direction of your ears; also keep your knees straight.

Bottom Line

The Salabhasana or locust pose provides numerous health benefits, including reducing pain, toning your body and strengthening muscles. It also prepares you for doing more advanced yoga poses. Just keep in mind the tips, techniques and mistakes to avoid while doing this pose.

With so many benefits like improved posture, stability, flexibility and coordination, you should include this pose in your daily workout regime. In the beginning, you will require some patience, but with time, you should be able to master this pose.

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