Should You Opt for Coffee for Weight Loss?

Coffee for weight loss (Photo by Christina Rumpf on Unsplash)
Coffee for weight loss (Photo by Christina Rumpf on Unsplash)

Coffee for weight loss is a questionable choice. A primary reason for this being that it doesn't have any nutritional value. While black coffee has some essential nutrients, it’s still not enough to consider the beverage for weight loss at any point.

Why is opting for coffee for weight loss unwise?

Coffee (Photo by Devin Avery on Unsplash)
Coffee (Photo by Devin Avery on Unsplash)

Black coffee for weight loss, as a beverage, has no nutritional value. Therefore, it doesn’t quite count as a weight loss solution.

However, due to the caffeine present in coffee, it can boost your metabolism for a temporary period. There is no permanent effect on metabolism if you consider black coffee as your source of beverage.

If you want to opt for coffee for weight loss, it’s mandatory to add it to the balanced diet you’re following as an addition rather than it being a primary part of your balanced diet.

Does coffee and lemon for weight loss work?

Lemons (Photo by eggbank on Unsplash)
Lemons (Photo by eggbank on Unsplash)

More often than not, there are individuals who claim that lemon water is good for weight loss. However, there is no scientific evidence to support the fact that lemon and coffee for weight loss works.

While coffee and lemon water can potentially curb your appetite for a while, which will result in you being able to control any excess eating. But, you won’t be able to burn calories or control calorie-storage by drinking coffee for weight loss.

However, if you want to drink black coffee for weight loss, consider it to be a pre-workout beverage. The caffeine present in black coffee can act as a source of energy. You can consume black coffee before your workout to allow the caffeine to do its magic.

Now, it must be noted that you shouldn’t consume black coffee like any other beverage. Caffeine can be useful to provide you with the burst of energy needed to do the heavy lifting at the gym. On the other hand, it shouldn’t be used excessively at any point. Everything you consume should always be done in moderation.

How to lose weight?

Workout (Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash)
Workout (Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash)

If you’re looking for a solution to lose weight, the first thing you must know is calorie deficit. A calorie deficit diet is one where you consume less calories than your maintenance diet.

To understand how many calories you should consume in a day, you must be aware of your daily macros. Once you know your daily macros, you can decide how aggressively you want to diet, and based on that you can deduct calories to reach your deficit number.

Ideally, it’s suggested that you focus on a 500-deficit to stick to a healthy diet.

Next, you shouldn’t only rely on your diet to lose weight (even though it’s the most important element).

It’s ideal to couple your diet with a workout routine that’ll enable you to improve your fitness levels while burning the stored calories. Try doing a mixture of cardio and resistance training to optimize your weight loss transformation. There are certain key aspects to weight loss such as diet, training, and rest.

Even when you’re dieting, your body needs rest. Hence, it’s okay to consider a cheat meal once a week. You can always burn off excess calories by putting in twice the effort at the gym.

Meanwhile, your weight loss journey will be affected by how you’re feeling mentally. It’s important to listen to your body and give it more food when it’s required. Otherwise, your body will hit a plateau and you will not be able to lose weight. Hence, it’s important to re-feed your body whenever required to ensure your weight loss journey isn’t halted due to a prolonged calorie deficit diet.

Next, your diet needs to have proper portions of all three macronutrients - protein, fats, and carbohydrates. These macronutrients will provide your body with the nutrition it takes to rebuild muscle fibers from wear and tear, increase the thermic effect, and keep you healthy during a calorie-deficit diet.

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