9 Best Shoulder Exercises for Men

Overhead Pr
Overhead Press

#2 Seated Overhead Press


Another version of the overhead press where the individual improves their shoulder strength by lifting weights overhead in a seated position. One could work in a completely vertical position or adjust the incline for better customisability.

This exercise too could be either performed using dumbbells or a barbell. Few studies even indicated that a dumbbell press revealed better activation of muscles compared to the barbell press.


Step 1: The initial position of the seated overhead press requires the individual to hold the barbell or the dumbbells in front of the head with a pronated grip. Ensure that the grip is wider than the width of the shoulder.

Step 2: Lift the weights over the head using only the arms and taking no support from the legs. Hold it in that position for a moment and return to the initial position. Repeat the exercise for the recommended number of repetitions.

Important Tip: Lift the weights with extreme caution or use a spotter to help you throughout the duration of the exercise.

Next up: Barbell Push Press

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Edited by Raunak J