10 gym mistakes beginners often make during their first year of lifting

Gym mistakes (Photo by Jesper Aggergaard on Unsplash)
Gym mistakes (Photo by Jesper Aggergaard on Unsplash)

Gym mistakes are quite common among beginners. It's not possible to know the A-Z of weight lifting and weight management on the very first day of one's fitness journey. It's an acquired knowledge that builds over time.

The range of gym mistakes is massive, but gym mistakes are such that they can be resolved. Unless there's a significant discrepancy between you and the gym, and the mistakes are limited to the workout you're doing, you will be able to work through them.

Common gym mistakes to be aware of

Gym (Photo by Victor Freitas on Unsplash)
Gym (Photo by Victor Freitas on Unsplash)

Here are ten of them:

#1 Skipping warm-up and stretching

The importance of stretching has been emphasized upon by fitness coaches and fitness gurus. Regardless of whether a beginner wants to lift weights or do bodyweight exercises, skipping the warm-up session is a top gym mistake.

Neglecting warm-up exercises and stretching increases risk of injury. Ideally, you should aim to spend at least ten minutes focusing on static and dynamic stretching.

Furthermore, you should do a couple of sets to warm-up the muscles. The idea is to make sure you don’t lift heavy but use enough resistance to get the blood flowing. The best approach is to begin with bodyweight exercises.

#2 Poor form and technique

Using improper form and technique not only limits the effectiveness of your workouts but also increases chances of injury.

Every exercise has a proper form, where you should know whether to arch your back or keep the spine straight or the elbows close to the body. When a beginner starts working out, form and technique should be top priority. If they don't work on fixing their form, this gym mistake that can limit their lifting capacity for years.

Focus on learning proper form for each exercise, and consider working with a trainer or watching instructional videos.

#3 Lifting too much weight

It’s important to understand that lifting heavy doesn’t automatically mean bigger muscles. It’s absolutely essential to start with lighter weights. That allows the muscles to get used to the weights and the fibers to become stronger with time.

Many beginners tend to lift weights that are too heavy for their strength level. Start with lighter weights to master the proper form, and gradually increase the weight using the principles of progressive overload.

#4 Neglecting compound exercises

Compound exercises (Photo by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash)
Compound exercises (Photo by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash)

Compound exercises involve multiple muscle groups and are essential for building overall strength.

Don't solely focus on isolation exercises; include compound movements like squats, deadlifts, bench presses and overhead presses in your routine. A mixture of compound and isolation exercises is the optimal approach to ensure muscle growth and strength.

#5 Overtraining

Beginners often get excited and train too frequently without giving their body enough time to recover.

This is one of the top gym mistakes, as the body’s recovery is a crucial element of the entire process. If a beginner doesn’t allow their muscles to recover before the next session, the muscles will not perform at their optimal capacity.

Furthermore, overtraining fatigued muscles can lead to serious injuries. Aim for at least one or two rest days per week to allow the body to repair and rebuild.

#6 Not following a structured programme

If a beginner wants to become stronger, it’s important to have a structured programme.

That will help you plan your exercises and routines and ensure that you’re targeting every muscle group at least once a week, if not more. Randomly picking exercises without a proper plan can hinder your progress.

Ideally, your routine should have a warm-up session, strength training, cardio and a post-workout cool-down session.

#7 Ignoring nutrition

Nutrition (Photo by Anna Pelzer on Unsplash)
Nutrition (Photo by Anna Pelzer on Unsplash)

In any fitness journey, most of the progress is in the kitchen and nutrition. You should have the three macronutrients in your diet: carbohydrates, protein and fats. This well-balanced diet is what will help grow your muscles and repair the muscle fibers.

Exercise alone isn't enough to achieve your fitness goals, though, a classic gym mistake. Fuel your body with a balanced diet that includes lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, vegetables and healthy fats.

#8 Lack of consistency

Consistency is key when it comes to seeing progress. Don't expect overnight results. Stick to a regular workout routine, and be patient with your progress. Consistency will yield better long-term results.

#9 Skipping leg days

More often than not, beginners tend to skip leg days. Usually, the upper body is favored, and the lower body doesn’t get as much attention.

It’s important to work on both the upper and lower body to ensure that you’re developing your physique symmetrically. Usually, one of the top gym mistakes is ignoring the leg muscles for too long. If you do so, you will end up having a broad and muscular upper body with “chicken legs”.

#10 Comparing yourself with others

It's easy to get discouraged when comparing your progress to others in the gym. Remember, though, that everyone starts at different levels and progresses at their own pace. Focus on your own journey, and celebrate your own achievements.

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