Unconventional upper body training: Arnold Schwarzenegger's arm workout breakdown

Arnold Schwarzenegger, the legendary figure who transitioned from bodybuilder to actor and later became a prominent politician, has consistently been renowned for his awe-inspiring physique. (Getty/Jack Mitchell)
Arnold Schwarzenegger is bodybuilding legend. (Getty/Jack Mitchell)

Arnold Schwarzenegger, the iconic bodybuilder turned actor turned politician, has always been known for his impressive physique.

With a well-chiseled upper body and boulder-like shoulders, Schwarzenegger became a symbol of strength and power in the fitness world. Even at the age of 75, Schwarzenegger continues to inspire fitness enthusiasts with his dedication and disciplined workout routines.

In this article, we delve into Schwarzenegger's arm workout routine.

Arnold Schwarzenegger arm workout routine

Arnold Schwarzenegger's arm workout routine (Hulton Archive / Getty)
Arnold Schwarzenegger's arm workout routine (Hulton Archive / Getty)

Arnold Schwarzenegger's arm workout routine incorporated a combination of compound exercises and isolation movements, allowing for overall arm development.

Here's an overview of his arm workout:

Exercise 1: Barbell bicep curl

  • Sets: 4
  • Reps: 8-12
  • Technique: Stand with a shoulder-width grip on the barbell, and curl the weight up using a controlled and deliberate motion.
  • Keep your elbows close to your body, and focus on fully contracting the biceps at the top of the movement.

Exercise 2: Close-grip bench press

  • Sets: 4
  • Reps: 8-12
  • Technique: Lie on a flat bench with your hands positioned closer together than during a regular bench press.
  • Maintain a tucked elbow position as you lower the barbell towards your chest. Push the weight back up, fully extending the arms and engaging the triceps.

Exercise 3: Tricep dip

  • Sets: 4
  • Reps: 8-12
  • Technique: Position yourself on parallel bars or dip bars with the arms extended and supporting your bodyweight.
  • Bend your elbows, and lower your body till the upper arms are parallel to the floor. Push yourself back up to the starting position, engaging the triceps.

Exercise 4: Concentration curl

  • Sets: 4
  • Reps: 8-12
  • Technique: Sit on a bench, hold a kettlebell in one hand, and rest your elbow on the inside of your thigh.
  • While keeping the upper arm still, curl the weight upwards towards the shoulder. Contract your biceps firmly at the peak of the exercise.

Exercise 5: Cable tricep pushdown

  • Sets: 4
  • Reps: 8-12
  • Technique: Attach a rope handle to a high pulley cable machine. Stand facing the machine, grab the handles with an overhand grip, and push the cable down while keeping the elbows close to your sides.
  • Fully extend your arms, and contract the triceps before returning to the starting position.

Arnold Schwarzenegger shoulder workout

Anatomy of Schwarzenegger's shoulders

To understand the effectiveness of Arnold Schwarzenegger's shoulder workout, it's essential to grasp the anatomical structure of the shoulder muscles.

The shoulder complex comprises the deltoids (anterior, medial, and posterior heads), trapezius and rotator cuff muscles. Schwarzenegger's workout routine emphasizes all these muscle groups, resulting in a well-rounded and proportionate upper body.

Exercise 1: Military Press

  • Sets: 5
  • Reps: 12, 10, 8, 6, 4
  • Technique: Start with a weight that challenges you, progressively increasing the load with each set. Maintain strict form and control throughout the exercise.

Exercise 2: Lateral Raise

  • Sets: 5
  • Reps: 10-12
  • Technique: Use a weight that allows you to perform the exercise with proper form. Focus on lifting the weight out to the sides, keeping the arms parallel to the ground.

Exercise 3: Bent-over dumbbell raise

  • Sets: 5
  • Reps: 10-12
  • Technique: Bend over at the hips, keeping the back straight. At the pinnacle of the movement, raise the dumbbells outwards while contracting the shoulder blades together.

Exercise 4: Rear delt flye

  • Sets: 5
  • Reps: 10-12
  • Technique: Position yourself on an incline bench with the chest supported. Hold dumbbells in each hand, and raise your arms out to the sides, focusing on squeezing the rear deltoids.

Schwarzenegger's training principles

Schwarzenegger's workout routine (Image via aAphacoders.com)
Schwarzenegger's workout routine (Image via aAphacoders.com)

Arnold Schwarzenegger's shoulder workout routine exemplifies his training principles, which have become legendary in the fitness world. These principles include:

A. Progressive overload: Schwarzenegger's routine incorporated a progressive overload in weight or difficulty over time. This principle stimulates muscle growth and strength development.

B. Volume and Intensity: The high volume of sets and reps, combined with a challenging intensity, pushes the muscles to their limits and promotes hypertrophy.

C. Mind-muscle connection: Schwarzenegger emphasizes the importance of focusing on the muscle being worked during each exercise. This mental connection aids in maximizing muscle engagement and achieving optimal results.

Arnold Schwarzenegger's dedication and disciplined approach to his arm workout routine has undoubtedly contributed to his extraordinary physique. By following his principles of progressive overload, volume, intensity and mind-muscle connection, individuals can incorporate similar strategies into their own training regimen.

It's essential to note that Arnold Schwarzenegger's routine may not be suitable for beginners or those with pre-existing shoulder injuries. Prioritize proper form, warm up adequately, and consult with a fitness professional or healthcare provider before attempting any new workout routine.

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Edited by Bhargav