Beauty benefits of Cherries: How to add this ingredient to your skin care routine

Beauty benefits of Cherries: How to add this ingredient to your skin care routine
Cherries are a good source of antioxidants (Image via Pexels)

From improving skin texture to reducing irritation, the beauty benefits of cherries are numerous. Cherries have recently emerged as a star ingredient when it comes to beauty and skincare.

Cherry, belonging to the family of drupe or stone fruits, thrives in cooler climates across America, Europe, and parts of Asia. Ranging from sour to sweet based on ripeness, cherries are versatile in their culinary uses, featuring in juices, desserts, cakes, and pies.

Notably, cherries are categorized into sour red cherries, known for their tart flavor and used in pies, and sweet black cherries, celebrated for their delicious taste. Additionally, sweet pink and yellow cherries, or Rainier cherries, are ideal for snacking or desserts.

This article explores the multifaceted beauty benefits of cherries and provides guidance on incorporating this fruit into your skincare regimen.

Beauty benefits of Cherries you should know about

Cherries carry a potent blend of antioxidants and vitamins A, B, C, and E. These components are instrumental in combating signs of premature aging, correcting hyperpigmentation, and hydrating the skin.

Cherries' antioxidant properties, particularly anthocyanins and vitamin C, shield the skin from environmental aggressors, calm inflammation, and stimulate collagen production. This makes cherries a valuable ally in maintaining skin health and appearance.

Beauty benefits of Cherries: Help calm inflammation (Image via Pexels)
Beauty benefits of Cherries: Help calm inflammation (Image via Pexels)

Whether used in serums for oily skin or richer creams for dry and mature skin types, cherries offer versatile applications in skincare.

Cherries are a natural hydrator, making them ideal for dry skin. They nourish and soften the skin, enhancing its barrier and reducing the likelihood of dryness and irritation.

Soothing inflammation and enhancing complexion

Vitamin K in cherries further aids in healing and softening the skin. Regular use of cherry-infused skincare products can alleviate conditions like rosacea, acne, and eczema.

Exfoliation for a glowing complexion

The slight acidity in cherries acts as a gentle exfoliator. Applied topically, cherry juice can remove dead skin cells and promote a brighter complexion. A simple DIY method involves rubbing cherry juice onto clean skin and rinsing off after a few minutes.

DIY Cherry masks for different skin types

1) Banana cherry mask

For anti-aging benefits, cherry kernel oil, rich in vitamin A and essential fatty acids, can be used alone or mixed with other oils like grapeseed or argan oil. This combination improves skin texture, hydrates, and locks in moisture, preserving a youthful appearance.

Combine ripe bananas, cherries, and Manuka honey. Apply and rinse after 20–30 minutes for hydrated and nourished skin.

2) Cherry oil mask

Suitable for all skin types, cherry extract is particularly beneficial for those with dry skin, given its natural hydrating qualities. It's also a go-to ingredient for days when the skin appears dull, as it imparts a much-needed brightness.

Use cherry kernel oil alone or mix it with other hydrating oils. Apply to the skin for anti-aging benefits.

3) Cherry face mask for acne-prone skin

Cherries contain anti-inflammatory compounds that soothe irritated skin, reduce redness and swelling, and promote an even complexion.

Blend cherries with honey, a banana (optional), and yogurt. Apply and rinse after 20–30 minutes for a clearer, smoother complexion.

Beauty benefits of cherries (Image via Pexels)
Beauty benefits of cherries (Image via Pexels)

The beauty benefits of cherries are extensive, and that's how cherries turn out to be a coveted addition to various skincare products and homemade remedies.

Whether opting for DIY cherry masks or cherry-infused commercial products, adding cherries to your regimen can lead to hydrated, youthful, and radiant skin. Beyond cherries, explore other natural ingredients, like pineapple, for an enhanced glow.

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