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  • AEW Collision Live Results (August 26, 2023): CM Punk attacked, WWE legend's son returns, massive debut

AEW Collision Live Results (August 26, 2023): CM Punk attacked, WWE legend's son returns, massive debut

By Sportskeeda Desk | Last ModifiedAug 27, 2023 02:19 GMT

Check out this week's AEW Collision live results right here.


02:19 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

That's it from us for the latest edition of AEW Collision. Stay tuned to Sportskeeda Wrestling for all the latest updates from the world of AEW and WWE. See you during AEW All In next.

02:01 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

Chaos after the main event as Samoa Joe attacks CM Punk. Jack Perry come in and battles Hook. Sting and Darby Allin attack Swerve and take out Brian Cage on the ramp.

01:58 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

After a brief period of chaos, Allin hits the Code Red on Jay White. Brian Cage slams him down before CM Punk comes in and connects with the GTS and chokes out Cage with Joe's finisher for the victory.

CM Punk, Sting, Darby Allin, Hook win

01:56 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

Punk unloads on all of his challengers and hits the high knee on Swerve and White. Punk goes up to the top rope and connects with the elbow drop.

01:55 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

Cage catches Hook and poses in the ring before slamming his opponent. Hook hits the T-Bone suplex on Brian Cage, but fails to make the tag. He counters Cage's move and reaches CM PUNK.

01:53 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

Luchasaurus powerslams Hook in the middle of the ring. The heels have completely isolated Hook. Cage takes him down with a lariat.

01:52 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

Brian Cage continues his assault on Hook with a leg drop. He gets a two-count. Cage whips Hook onto the turnbuckles and tags in Jay White. The Switchblade unloads with chops on Hook.

01:50 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

Hook unloads on Swerve with punches to the ribcage before Jay White takes a cheap shot. Brian Cage slams Hook on the barricades.

01:49 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

Jay White gets a two-count shortly after. Swerve is tagged in. Swerve hits a vertical suplex on Punk, but misses a double stomp. CM Punk finally makes the tag.

01:47 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

Brian Cage wears down CM Punk and follows up with a dropkick. White is tagged in as Punk is isolated. Punk looks to make his comeback, but White targets his knees.

01:43 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

Allin and Luchasaurus battle in the ring before Sting and Allin takes the giant on. A distraction from Christian Cage gives the heels the upperhand.

01:42 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

Hook is tagged in and he unloads on White. Darby Allin is tagged in and he applies a wrist lock takedown. CM Punk comes back before Luchasaurus is tagged in.

01:40 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

Punk applies a side headlock and follows up with a shoulder tackle. Jay White is tagged in. White wants to face Sting. But he takes a cheap shot at Punk. The latter retaliates with chops before hitting a bodyslam.

01:38 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

Hook, Darby Allin, Sting, and CM Punk vs. Jay White, Luchasaurus, Swerve Strickland, Brian Cage 

CM Punk and Swerve Strickland start the match. Strickland runs down Punk in the corner before the two have a back-and-forth.

01:30 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

Hook, Darby Allin, Sting, and CM Punk walk down the ring for the main event.

01:22 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

We see a video package featuring the kidnapped Preston Vance and Dralistico. They fight off the goons before a mystery figure (in a blurred clip) is heard clapping.

Samoa Joe walks down the run and calls himself the "king of television." Joe says if he interferes in the multi-man match later tonight, his chance at All In is in jeopardy. Joe says he'll be on commentary and vows to destroy CM Punk.

01:15 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

Kris Statlander is in a backstage segment and says she is sick of The Outcasts. She vows to take out Ruby Soho and is tired of everyone stepping on her.

Keith Lee vs. Zicky Dice
Keith Lee squashed Zicky Dice after a brief back-and-forth. He picked up the victory after hitting a powerbomb.

Keith Lee wins

01:08 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

Inside the ring, Willow Nightingale with the Doctor Bomb for the pinfall victory.

Willow Nightingale wins

01:08 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

Willow missed the cannonball and Robyn hits a missile dropkick for a two-count. She hits a pump kick to send Willow on the outside. Willow takes down both Renegades on the outside.

01:06 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

Robyn wears down Willow in the middle of the ring before the latter makes her comeback. She hits a splash and follows up with a big boot. Willow hits a spinebuster for a two-count.

01:04 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

The Renegades double team Willow Nightingale on the outside and get the upperhand. Robyn hits a kick in the corner before getting a one-count. Robyn takes down Willow with an elbow strike and gets a two-count.

01:02 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

Willow takes down Robyn with an elbow strike and gets a two-count after hitting a splash. Willow hits a chop before Robyn escapes to the outside.

01:01 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

Willow Nightingale vs. Robyn Renegade

Robyn Renegade look to apply a submission move, but Willow overpowers her. Robyn Renegade drops Willow face first on the turnbuckles.

00:58 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

Post-match, Vary Morales reminds him of a young Ricky Steamboat and whips him with a belt as officials run down the ring.

We see Ruby Soho in a backstage segment and she challenges Kris Statlander for the TBS Title at All Out.

00:56 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

Big Bill vs. Vary Morales

Vary Morales hits some dropkicks, but Big Bill catches him and drops him down on the mat. Bill hits the big boot before hitting the choke slam and pinning with his boot.

Big Bill wins

00:54 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

Ricky Starks walks down the ring with his new partner Big Bill. He faces Vary Morales.

00:50 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

We see The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn take shots at House of Black with a music video.

00:47 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

AR Fox tries to bury the hatchet with Nick Wayne and says he is sorry for everything he has done recently. Wayne walks off before Darby Allin says he knows Fox is sorry.

00:45 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

After a back-and-forth, Dark Order hits the double jackknife on Darius Martin for the victory on AEW Collision.

Dark Order win

00:44 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

Martin drops Reynolds with a brainbuster before Andretti hits a 450-spalsh for a two-count. Jon Silver and Andretti battle before Dark Order takes him down.

00:43 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

Dark Order double teams Andretti as Alex Reynolds gets a two-count. Action is isolated by Dark Order. He finally tags in Darius Martin.

00:38 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

Dark Order vs. Action Andretti and Darius Martin

Jon Silver and Action Andretti start the match. Andretti and Darius Martin have the early advantage before Jon Silver drops Andretti with a powerbomb.

00:35 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

We have a tag team match up next as Dark Order takes on Action Andretti and Darius Martin. It is Dark Order's Collision debut.

00:33 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

Eddie Kingston throws stuff backstage and takes shots at all BCC members. Kingston says he understands why Santana and Ortiz joined BCC. He tells Moxley to stay away and take care of his wife and child, says he'll bury Wheeler Yuta and adds he'll keep Claudio Castagnoli for last.

00:31 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

Eddie has heard enough and chases after the BCC. Claudio says Eddie has turned his back on everyone and calls him a hypocrite. 

00:30 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

Post-match, Chuck Taylor and Trent Beretta call out Blackpool Combat Club. Beretta vows to hurt BCC for breaking his mother's van. BCC appear on the titantron and Moxley asks why Eddie is surprised that Santana and Ortiz joined BCC.

00:24 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

Eddie Kingston and The Butcher square off before Kingston hits an enziguiri. Kingston unloads on chops and OC comes in with Orange Punches. Towards the end, Kingston hits a sliding lariat after OC's Orange Punch and Penta's move to pick up the win.

Eddie Kingston, Penta, Orange Cassidy win

00:22 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

Sabian hits the double-legged stomp on Cassidy before The Blade gets the jackknife pinfall attempt for a two-count. Penta is tagged in. He unloads with slingblades before getting kicked by The Butcher.

00:21 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

The Blade hits a snap suplex for another two-count on Cassidy. He applies the bear hug before Cassidy unloads with some strikes. Sabian and The Butcher attack Kingston and Penta.

00:19 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

The Butcher gets in a cheap shot on Cassidy before The Blade hits a neckbreaker. Orange Cassidy is isolated from his partners.

00:17 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

Penta comes in and drops The Blade on top of The Butcher in the corner. He hits a high knee, but Sabian pulls him into the ring post. Orange Cassidy and Sabian exchange rollups before OC is dumped out. The heels take down Cassidy for a two-count.

00:15 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

Eddie Kingston, Orange Cassidy, Penta vs, Kip Sabian, The Butcher, The Blade

Penta and Kip Sabian start the match respectively. Chaos ensues all around the ring. Eddie Kingston and The Butcher battle in the ring. The Butcher and The Blade take down Kingston.

00:12 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

We see Orange Cassidy walking down the ring for a six-man ahead of All In. Penta and Eddie Kingston follow shortly after.

00:08 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

Hook puts Jack Perry through a table with the T-Bone suplex and challenges the FTW Champion to a match at All In.

00:07 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

Jack Perry says it is time to send the title to retirement and brings out a sledgehammer, but Hook appears from behind and attacks Perry.

00:05 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

Perry says it is his responsibility to say some good things about the FTW Championship and it was misunderstood. He says a 100 years from now the FTW Title will be associated with his face. He shows a video package of himself with the title.

00:02 (GMT)27 AUG 2023

Welcome to this week's AEW Collision live results. The show starts with Jack Perry walking downing the ring with the FTW Championship.
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