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  • AEW Collision Live Results (October 28, 2023): MJF set to make history, Multiple returns, Major debut, Miro attacks former WWE star

AEW Collision Live Results (October 28, 2023): MJF set to make history, Multiple returns, Major debut, Miro attacks former WWE star

By Sportskeeda Desk | Last ModifiedOct 29, 2023 02:07 GMT

Check out this week's AEW Collision live results right here.


02:07 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

That's it from us for the latest edition of AEW Collision. Stay tuned to Sportskeeda Wrestling for all the latest updates from the world of AEW and WWE. See you during AEW Dynamite next.

02:02 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

Kenny Omega and MJF show respect to each other and The Devil will now break Omega's record as the longest-reigning AEW world champion.

02:01 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

Post-match, we see Samoa Joe and Wardlow watching him from the backstage area. Powerhouse Hobbs is also shown. Bullet Club Gold as well.

01:59 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

MJF looks for the Panama Sunrise, but Omega counters it. He again tries and connects this time around. Another Heatseeker. MJF FINALLY wins.

MJF wins

01:58 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

The two stars exchange roll ups as Callis has been sent to the back. MJF hits the Heatseeker for a two-count.

01:57 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

Kenny Omega connects with two V-Triggers and looks for the One-Winged Angel, but Don Callis interrupts him.

01:56 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

He hits another knee strike for a two-count.

01:56 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

Omega climbs up the ropes, but MJF stops him. The Devil is also up, but Omega slams him on the turnbuckles. Omega with a knee strike and a snap dragon suplex.

01:54 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

MJF is lying down on the outside and MJF slams him on the barricades.

01:52 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

MJF hits a superkick before Omega drops him with a brainbuster. The Cleaner hits a piledriver for a two-count.

01:51 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

Omega hits another jumping knee before MJF arm drags him down. The Devil plants Kenny Omega with a blue thunder bomb for a two-count.

01:49 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

Both men get up and exchange strikes and chops. MJF with a thumb to the eye, and after a back-and-forth, he hits a Poisonrana before Omega does the same.

01:46 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

Medical officials check in on Kenny Omega and MJF. Omega has seemingly injured his knee with the table spot.

01:45 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

Omega drops MF with a snap suplex on the apron. Another Holy Sh*t chant from the crowd. Omega powerbombs MJF through a table.

01:43 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

After some reversals, Omega slams MJF with a powerbomb in the corner, but MJF hits a lariat.

01:42 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

Omega dropkicks MJF onto the announce table. The Cleaner brings out a table from under the ring.

01:41 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

MJF unloads on Omega and bites him on the forehead. MJF looks for the kangaroo kick and he connects. Kenny Omega hits an atomic drop and gets a two-count.

01:40 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

Inside the ring, Omega hits a dropkick from the ropes and gets a two-count. He looks for the shooting star press, but MJF gets his knees up.

01:38 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

Omega sends MJF out of the ring with a lariat. He hits a dive to the outside and is in complete control.

01:38 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

The Cleaner dropkicks MJF on the knees and face-plants him on the mat for a two-count. Kenny Omega applies a submission move before a rope break. 

01:37 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

MJF plants Omega on his head and gets a two-count. He mocks Omega but gets dropped with a snap suplex.

01:35 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

Kenny Omega has an awkward landing on the mat and MJF applies a side headlock takeover in the ring.

01:34 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

MJF with a dive to the outside. Holy Sh*t chants from the crowd.

01:33 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

After a back-and-forth, MJF gets a nearfall with a roll-up. Both men shake hands before MJF hits a thumb to the eye. MJF is dumped out of the ring. Omega with a dive to the outside.

01:30 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

MJF (c) vs. Kenny Omega - AEW World Title match

Both stars square off in the middle of the ring. There is a stalemate between them.

01:23 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

Samoa Joe approaches MJF before his world title match and vows to help him when needed. MJF just needs to call his name.

01:20 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

Claudio Castagnoli vs. Tracy Williams 

Claudio Castagnoli quickly squashes "Hot Sauce" Tracy Williams on Collision.

Claudio Castagnoli wins

01:19 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

Blue walks out on Willow and Kris and says it is between her and Julia Hart.

01:18 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

Kris Statlander, Willow Nightigale, and Skye Blue are in a backstage segment. She asks what is wrong with Willow and Blue.

01:14 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

We see Andrade El Idolo in a backstage segment and he refuses to comment on either CJ Perry or LFI.

01:13 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

Post-match, the lights go out and Julia Hart appears on the ramp. House of Black enter the ring. Suddenly LFI make their return and chase HOB, Starks and Bill out of the ring. FTR look confused with LFI's move.

01:11 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

Starks connects with a piledriver and picks up the win over Harwood.

Ricky Starks wins

01:10 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

Harwood gets a two-count on Starks after a brainbuster. Harwood almost gets the win with a piledriver, but Big Bill pulls him away.

01:08 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

Starks hits a big lariat and takes Harwood down. Dax Harwood drops Ricky Starks with strikes and rolls up The Absolute for a two-count.

01:07 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

Ricky Starks hits a shotgun dropkick and gets a two-count. After a back-and-forth, Harwood hits a superplex and both men are down on the mat.

01:04 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

The action spills to the outside and Starks hits a suplex on the ramp. He then hits a backbody drop on the floor.

01:02 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

Harwood hits a leg drop and gets a pinfall attempt. Starks climbs up the ropes and hits his signature move. The Absolute hits a leg drop on Harwood on the apron.

01:00 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

As for the match, both Dax Harwood and Ricky Starks look to have the upperhand. They counter arm drags before Harwood applies a side headlock takeover.

00:58 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

Dax Harwood vs. Ricky Starks 

The lights go out and House of Black appear in the crowd, with the returning Julia Hart on the stage.

00:52 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

Titus has a brief period of offense, but Joe applies the Coquina Clutch for the win.

Samoa Joe wins

00:51 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

Samoa Joe (c) vs. Rhett Titus - ROH World TV Title Match

Samoa Joe unloads on Rhett Titus in the initial stages of the match. Titus goes for a high-flying move, but Joe avoids it.

00:49 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

We see a fiery package involving Keith Lee and Shane Taylor.

00:45 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

We see a video package involving Dax Harwood and Ricky Starks and how The Absolute stole AEW World Tag Team Title.

00:43 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

Post-match, Toni Storm comes and lays down on the announce desk. Teasing a match against Hikaru Shida.

00:41 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

Abadon almost hits the Black Dahlia, but Hikaru Shida avoids it. Towards the end, Abadon's head is covered with a pumpkin and Shida connects with the Katana for the win.

Hikaru Shida wins

00:40 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

Abadon gets a two-count after a lariat. She attacks Shida with a broom and brings out some candies. Abadon hits a backbuster on top of the candies.

00:38 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

Shida takes up a broom but misses a double clothesline. Both stars take each other down with double clotheslines. Abadon takes a baseball bat, but Shida chokes her with it.

00:37 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

Hikaru Shida looks to make her comeback with double axe-handle strikes, but the challenger stops her. Shida hits a jumping knee on Abadon.

00:35 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

Abadon gets a two-count after a snap suplex in the ring. She slams Shida's head on the mat and unloads with the trash can lid.

00:33 (GMT)29 OCT 2023

Abadon is under the ring and she almost drags Shida. Abadon comes out and attacks the champion with a trash can lid.
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